Problems w/ UDP Rule for RocketTime

Discussion in 'LnS English Forum' started by RocketTime, Jul 20, 2004.

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  1. RocketTime

    RocketTime Guest

    I have created a UDP rule for <a href="">RocketTime time check software</a> and it works fine when LnS first starts, but I soon get a log full of blocks on the second through fifth time servers entered in the options of RocketTime. The log starts filling up with entries with sequencial port blocks starting at 1622 and running up the list (I've reset LnS when the ports get beyond 2200).

    Is there a way to add the other time servers to the rule or do I have to create a rule for each server? The server IP's are (works),,,, and

    RocketTime notifies the user to make sure port 123 is open on NAT routers or firewalls. Currently, my rule has TCP/UDP port 123 listed on both the source and destination entries along with the source MAC set to equal and the destination IP set to equal for the IP of the first Time server.
  2. gkweb

    gkweb Expert Firewall Tester

    Aug 29, 2003
    FRANCE, Rouen (76)

    you can allow the local port from any IP as suggested apparently by them, or you have to create 3 rules, 2 IP addresses per rules.


  3. RocketTime

    RocketTime Guest

    I have now acquired more detail on my problem. It appears that the problem exists with all the Time Servers and happens with the automatic update, which i set for very four hours. The UDP:Any other UDP packet rule is where I'm being blocked. The source port range is starting at 1025 and going to 5000 (not all ports are being listed, but most are).

    Is there a problem with changing the source TCP/UDP:port from "Equal 123:ntp" to "All"?

    From log:

    07-21-04 09:41:42 U 6477 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' [] UDP Ports Dest:ntp Src:1774
    07-21-04 09:41:52 U 6478 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' Ports Dest:ntp Src:1775
    07-21-04 09:41:57 U 6479 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' india.Colorado.EDU= Ports Dest:ntp Src:1776
    07-21-04 09:42:03 U 6480 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' Ports Dest:ntp Src:1777
    07-21-04 09:42:08 U 6481 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' Ports Dest:ntp Src:1778
    07-21-04 09:42:14 U 6482 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' [] UDP Ports Dest:ntp Src:1779
    07-21-04 09:42:24 U 6483 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' Ports Dest:ntp Src:1780
    07-21-04 09:42:29 U 6484 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' india.Colorado.EDU= Ports Dest:ntp Src:1781
    07-21-04 09:42:35 U 6485 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' Ports Dest:ntp Src:1782
    07-21-04 09:42:40 U 6486 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' Ports Dest:ntp Src:1783
    07-21-04 09:42:46 U 6487 'UDP : Any other UDP pack' [] UDP Ports Dest:ntp Src:1784
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