Privacy/Anonymity Forums

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by elohssa, Jan 6, 2008.

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  1. elohssa

    elohssa Registered Member

    Jan 6, 2008
    I was hoping for a comprehensive list of Privacy/Anonymity forums that are reasonably well-trafficked.

    I've been visiting Wilders, Truecrypt,, and alt.privacy.* for years (don't remember any of the passwords I've used in the past though), and I was wondering if there's anything new or that I've missed. I wouldn't consider the PGP or Tor forums to be general privacy forums because they have narrow interests and do not have a very large following. is also pretty narrow in scope (largely airport security, government snooping, and squids(?)), but I like to go there a couple times a month.

    It seems like interest in this topic has degraded somewhat in the last few years. Either that or the topics have become somewhat repetitive to me.
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