Port List of a differant kind

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by snowy, Jan 20, 2003.

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  1. snowy

    snowy Guest

  2. snowy

    snowy Guest

    in the past 90 minutes I have received 139 hits on port 1989 both udp and tcp.....mostly tcp.........finding this very odd I am naturally wondering why.........suddenly the hits just altogether stopped.......really curious now...thus the port list
  3. snowy

    snowy Guest

    I am not able to locate any worth info on this port other than related to dmdocbroker.....mhsnet system...nither which I have heard of before.....
    it strongly appeared as a packet attack....by numerous computers at once.....so just in case...its being mentioned here
  4. Loki

    Loki Registered Member

    May 26, 2002
    Lake Worth, Florida, USA
    Re:port List of a different kind

    Hi Snowy,

    This is the info TDS has:
    20/1 13:22:48 [PortRef] 1989: TR-RSRB-P3 - cisco RSRB Priority 3 port

    Also i've checked my logs and no hits on that port. Sorry i've no more info.

    Loki :cool:
  5. snowy

    snowy Guest


    Thank you so very nice person......this was one of the stranges attacks I ever encountered...if in fact it was an attack.......
    at first thought it was my isp.....except that it was coming from several areas around the world...an hitting hard...it never did any harm...wasn't able to get in....more like it was an attempt to force a dis-connection...heck on that!!!
  6. Loki

    Loki Registered Member

    May 26, 2002
    Lake Worth, Florida, USA
    Re:port List of a different kind

    Hi Snowy,

    Maybe they don't like snowmen :D. Hope they leave you alone, but never let them win. So stay with it. By the way did you get any IP addresses from these attacks to see if maybe there is a pattern.

    Loki :cool:
  7. snowy

    snowy Guest


    yes...no doubt there are a few who don't like snowman....an maybe this snowman in particular...but hey, such is life.....
    actually I did get a few addresses....but wasn't much interested in them.....as much as what was being used.....

    Give-up.....gee, is there really such a thing?? LOL

    have not had even one hit in nearly three hours
  8. snowy

    snowy Guest


    you may find this of interest....using the info you posted I quickly threw up a few blocks...I didn't expect any to actually work......an the ye ole computer is zooming now.....I wont leave the blocks.....since the was a one time incident.....but very interesting
    well going for a ride in the country....seeya
  9. Loki

    Loki Registered Member

    May 26, 2002
    Lake Worth, Florida, USA
    Re:port List of a different kind

    Hi Snowy,

    Have fun on your ride :D. Giving up is not in my personal vocabulary and i'm glad it's not in yours. Hey enjoy the day off.

    Loki :cool:

    There is no giving up
    There is no try
    There is only DO
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