Paragon Hard Disk Manager 12 Suite Upgrade Questions

Discussion in 'Paragon Drive Backup Product Line' started by garioch7, Mar 5, 2012.

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  1. garioch7

    garioch7 Registered Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Port Hastings, Nova Scotia, Canada
    I just got notified that I am entitled to a free upgrade from HDM11 to HDM12 for a single licence that I purchased for a client within the last month. I was notified by Paragon by email. I haven't yet heard anything from them about upgrading my personal 3-licence pack, purchased months ago. I presume that they will email me in due course, I hope.

    I have two questions:

    1. Will HDM12 read a partition backup made with HDM11. The client is a little reckless with the computer and I won't upgrade if HDM12 can't read/restore the "base" partition backup I made of the client's computer with HDM11. I need to be able to be able to get the client's computer back to its base condition if the client messes up.

    2. Assuming that HDM12 will read the HDM11 backup, what is the best way to do the upgrade? Uninstall HDM11; or just run the HDM12 installer to presumably overwrite and replace the HDM11 version?

    Any advice would be appreciated, since I am a relatively new Paragon user, having fled from Acronis, whose upgrades were an invitation to computer disaster, particulary version 12. Have a great day.

  2. fireworker

    fireworker Registered Member

    Sep 27, 2009
    1. Yes. HDM12 can read backups created by earlier versions of Paragon software. Moreover, the program of the 11th series can read backups created HDM12 that I was a little surprised.
    2. Yes, uninstall HDM11, and then install HDM12.
  3. garioch7

    garioch7 Registered Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Port Hastings, Nova Scotia, Canada
    Thanks, Fireworker. That puts my mind at ease. I did realize that I could have simply retained my Paragon 11 Recovery CD and booted from that, and I think that I will keep it in any event, but I was curious as to whether HDM12 would be backward compatible.

    Will do the uninstall before the install.

    Thanks again. Have a great day.

  4. aladdin

    aladdin Registered Member

    Jan 9, 2006
    No free upgrades if bought more than 30 days ago!
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