Official Letter to Eset

Discussion in 'ESET Smart Security' started by berryracer, Nov 24, 2011.

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  1. berryracer

    berryracer Suspended Member

    Jan 24, 2008
    Dubai, UAE
    I hope someone from the Management of Eset reads this, and not only says yeah ok your opinion is highly valued bla bla bla, I want someone to do something to change things before this company goes down (at least for me)

    I have been one of the early licenses users of Eset NOD32 ever since it was on v2 because back in the day, I was a gamer, and in all gaming forums that I visited, users wanted to squeeze every FPS out of their games (Quake II / III / Unreal Tournament back in those days). The recommended Antivirus that has the best security yet very low system footpring was NOD32, so I bought a licenase and was very happy! It seemed like my PC had no antivirus installed thanks to NOD32 v2 being so lightweight and I never got any virus in my life ever since I started using Eset's products!

    The security is still top notch! As long as you keep your antivirus / security suite updated, you are good and almost invincible!

    Now my issue is about system performance, with every new version of NOD32 rolled out (and recently Eset Smart Security after its introduction), I formatted my PC and installed Windows All over, then installed the new version of Eset's products, only to be disappointed. Every version seems to add a little more to the overall system footprint. And the lightest Antivirus in the world is now starting to become something similar to the crappy AV suites out there. I am not going to mention any names as this is not a comparision between AVs. I just want Eset to do what it does best, release an AV / Security system that you can barely feel it's there, but yet, secure as it has always been.

    v2 to v3 was ok, v4 started becoming heavier on my system, and no v5 a HUGE disappointment (maybe because of HIPS?) I don't know what the issue is, but it made my internet browsing crawl to death as if I was on a 56 kbps dial-up connection.

    I posted my issue on these forums, but by the time I received a reply, I was already too fed up and ended up going back to ESS v4 which brought me internet speed back to what it was! an 8mbps down / 1 mbps up connection if you were wondering.

    The user should not have to worry about tweaking, disabling some settings, or whatever to have his system perform normally. and he certainly doesn't want to install a new version and start troubleshooting and sending logs to support as if he was a Beta tester. some people simply do not have the time for this.

    If you ask me personally, I would love to go back to NOD32 v2, maybe an ESS v2 made again to keep the lightweight speedy performance of my notebook. I have a pretty good system as you can see from my signature but I am not longer happy as I used to be and went on telling everyone to purchase NOD32.

    Add to that the support, because I bought ESS from the UAE website, I am not able to contact the main US website to seek help. Which is a real shame and unprofessional.

    I have a 3 user ESS license and I know for a fact, that my next security suite is not going to be Eset's until they have done something to seriously bring back the old days.

    Yeah who cares, it's one customer? No trust me, the people I have convinced to purchase Eset's NOD32 and ESS are over 10 and I WILL ensure they know their options now with the competition.

    I am no longer a gamer, but I still want to squeeze every ounce of performance and there are a couple of options in my mind now of what I will do next.

    I hope I get a reply from an Official to address my issues, and NO, I will not troubleshoot ESS v5, I am on v4 and happy now, but the future isn't promising.

    /end rant
  2. berryracer

    berryracer Suspended Member

    Jan 24, 2008
    Dubai, UAE
    as replies :rolleyes:
  3. xxJackxx

    xxJackxx Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    While I won't complain about the performance of ESS because it is still lighter than most I do have to say they are losing my business based on the quality of the product. I renewed last year in anticipation of v5. I tried to use it for a while and wanted to like it. But in the end the fact that I could not find a suitable resolution to the firewall problems I was having is a deal breaker. I am a system admin for a software company and if I can't get a firewall to allow me to connect to other PCs in my home what is an average user going to do? This with the on again off again problem with Windows Updates freezing the machine. Once to the point of having to reinstall from a backup. And these were not beta versions. I like the product if it were to function trouble free and would like to see them improve it and succeed with it but this will be the first time since 2005 I will not be renewing. I hope they can give me a compelling reason to come back in the future, but v5 isn't going to do it.
  4. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    I offered you assistance in finding out what packets / communication in your network causes the issue but you refused to provide us with logs and downgraded to v4. Without logs and willingness from users, it's impossible to solve any kind of issues, even if the root cause lied outside of ESET. ESET will always remain open to their customers and we'll do our best to help you solve issues you might run into while using ESET's products.
  5. Marcos

    Marcos Eset Staff Account

    Nov 22, 2002
    Unfortunately without checking your firewall log it's impossible to tell why you're having issues seeing other computers in your network. My guess is that there's a problem with Trusted zone configuration in which sharing is allowed. Please do the following:
    - enable logging of blocked connections in the IDS setup
    - reproduce the issue
    - paste here the relevant records from your firewall log
  6. tommy456

    tommy456 Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2011
    Although i don't have any obvious issues with the firewall i do get loads of entries in my firewall log
    No application listening on the port192.168.0.1:520>, from my win xp pc, i get a similar thing with win 7 but the ports change as if the router is port scanning the pco_O
  7. berryracer

    berryracer Suspended Member

    Jan 24, 2008
    Dubai, UAE
    Well, I am willing to give it another chance.

    I formatted my laptop and installed ESS again and to my surprise, the internet is fast just like it was with v4 earlier.

    Strange. Must've been something else then previously

    my apologies

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