looking for a fast vpn service with no fbi connections

Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by privacyman993, Mar 25, 2010.

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  1. privacyman993

    privacyman993 Registered Member

    Mar 24, 2010
    can anyone advise what vpn is good, i wanna try xerobank but looks like they are government affiliated, dunno why they even call theirselves secure vpn companies
  2. chronomatic

    chronomatic Registered Member

    Apr 9, 2009
    You do not want a pay service for strong anonymity. It simply can't be done that way because A) they know who you are since you are paying them and B) everything is routed through a central location, which means they can easily log everyone (and yes they do log).

    Your best bet is Tor or perhaps a Darknet of some sort.
  3. hierophant

    hierophant Registered Member

    Dec 18, 2009

    Why do you say that XeroBank is government-affiliated? Which government? US? Panama? Or? And what's the evidence? URLs?
  4. tobacco

    tobacco Frequent Poster

    Nov 7, 2005
    British Columbia
    I happened to be walking past the AT&T/NSA facility in San Francisco where they log all traffic entering and leaving North America and decided to hide in a bush to watch some of the happenings with this place. And low and behold, who comes out for a smoke - STEVE :p HaHa

    Oh sorry - thought it was april 1st today :D

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  5. hierophant

    hierophant Registered Member

    Dec 18, 2009

    Yeah, it would have been far cooler for him to post a video showing him cracking the lock at 3:00 am ;)
  6. SteveTX

    SteveTX Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Lol. XeroBank is specifically anti-FBI and is outside US / UK / EU jurisdiction, and designed a multihop network to defeat surveillance on a national level. Post is troll or unfamiliar with XB i guess.
  7. LockBox

    LockBox Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    Here, There and Everywhere
    Xerobank is definitely NOT affiliated with the government. Steve, I hope you'll allow me to clarify what I think you meant (and correct me if I'm wrong). I don't think he really meant XeroBank was "anti-FBI" as much as he meant "anti-FBI snooping, abuses" etc. I say this because I have a neighbor friend that I've become friends with, he has been with the FBI for 14 years and he has been heavily involved in the hunt for a couple of serial bank robbery suspects, one who killed an innocent mother, her 5-year old child and left a bank security guard in a coma. It's hard to be "anti" the people who spend ungodly hours tracking down scum like this. I think Steve meant anti-FBI abuse and such. Steve, no offense meant at all, I just wanted to restate what I think you really intended to say. If not, fire away.
  8. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    Are you kidding? That is just a little psyops that they are pulling. It's a cover. Think just a little bit bigger and outside of the box. Steve and Xerobank do security for the Bilderberg group.:ninja:
  9. SteveTX

    SteveTX Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    And the aliens. Don't forget the aliens. And if you don't believe it, just ask Genady.
  10. SafetyFirst

    SafetyFirst Registered Member

    Jan 26, 2007
    Hmmmm... if the aliens use XeroBank it must be pretty damn good... :shifty:
  11. SteveTX

    SteveTX Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    Sure, federal police can do some good. Even a broken clock is right twice a day. But when it comes to abstract non-victim pseudo-"crimes", such as minting gold money or the digital representation thereof, the FBI seems to have a political motivation beyond acting in the interest of the public. You don't see them raiding banks because cash dollars are anonymous and were used to pay for illegal things. There are some grounds gumshoes should not tread, cyber-rights are one of those places.
  12. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    We must never forget.

  13. caspian

    caspian Registered Member

    Jun 17, 2007
    I was walking by the Mother Ship the other day and stopped in real quick to say hi to Steve's Mom. Doesn't she look great!? I swear she doesn't look a day over 200.

  14. LockBox

    LockBox Registered Member

    Nov 20, 2004
    Here, There and Everywhere
    The FBI is not a "federal police" agency. It is an investigative agency. If there's a kidnapping in Texas and it crosses state lines, they investigate from there out. A town in Texas doesn't have the investigative skills or resources to track down kidnappers in 50 states. The FBI does.

    I'm a little shaken by your "anti-FBI" stance. E-Goldo_O? That's an infinitesimally small part of the work of the FBI. What a bizarre thing to stake your anger. Cyber rights? I agree with you, but the FBI simply investigates and uses U.S law. Your problem is with the lawmakers, not those who enforce those laws.

    I tried to give you an easy out. I guess you really ARE anti-FBI, or at least think your marketing is best served as pretending to be so.

    The work of the FBI is so much more than GOLD (?) and CyberRights. I could tell you many more stories from my neighbor, but most of their passion is truly on rooting out the "bad guys" and not focused on issues like this gold thing. As for financial crimes, look at Credit Suisse. An FBI sting brought those jerks to justice.

    I'm surprised that the agency responsible for investigating our most heinous crimes is now a XeroBank enemy. It's one thing to be against abuses in the agency, it's another to flat-out call yourself "anti-FBI". If you think that will get you more customers, I would take a couple of deep breaths and take two steps back. How many people want to sign-up with a VPN who brags they are "anti-FBI"? Talk about putting a bulls-eye on your service.

    I'm disappointed, Steve. I know the good they do. Day in and day out. You choose to cherry pick a few things and say you are "anti" the entire agency. In all honesty, I'm surprised at your (what I believe to be) irresponsible "tough talk.".
  15. SteveTX

    SteveTX Registered Member

    Mar 27, 2007
    They are the federal corollary to state and local police agencies. When you deal with them in real life, you'll realize they are very much like your regular police, only better dressed, better trained, and with broader jurisdiction.

    It is an abstraction, but I don't treat the US as a special case. There are federal, regional, and local police in most countries.

    Don't be surprised. I'm not angry with them, they are just an increasingly common annoyance.

    I must disagree.

    The problem is who gets to define who the bad guys are. The good guys today are the bad guys tomorrow, depending on the fickle appetite of the powers that be. In e-gold's case, they were diligent, forthcoming, and downright helpful to the FBI in all instances. In the end, the FBI burned them to the ground. Their reputation precedes them.

    If you are referring to the "tax evasion" thing, I don't think that was an FBI issue. Maybe you have more info about it than I do.

    They aren't an enemy, per se, but they generally do more harm then good regarding cyberspace issues. Just ask the EFF. They are like a bull in a china shop.

    It's kind of like talking to a cop on a street corner. You aren't really afraid of getting mugged so he can't offer much in the way of benefits. However, if he doesn't like your look, he can arrest you, falsely charge you, and attempt to make your life miserable. Of the outcome possibilities, one is generally better off attempting to avoid them, considering the small positive potential versus the overwhelming negative potential. If you've ever been given a traffic ticket, you may notice that practically 100% of the time, it was preceded by a police officer following your car. This is not a coincidence. :) If you don't want to get bit, don't swim with sharks.

    XB is very anti-aggression. We don't look for trouble, we don't like it looking for us, and we try to avoid it where possible. The FBI, however, has a tendency to be aggressive or uncivil where it is not needed.

    I don't know how you would feel if your home was thrice broken into, laptop bugged, phones wiretapped, etc.

    That isn't an abuse, it is standard operating procedure, and not unheard of among bleeding-edge infosec folks. I personally don't think that much of them, or about them. Speaking purely in potentiality, they are an accident waiting to happen, so I do my best to avoid them. and the aliens. ;)
    Last edited: Mar 30, 2010
  16. mesa0k01

    mesa0k01 Registered Member

    Jan 27, 2010
    How can someone actually defend the FBI. Sure they do some good things. I am sure the Gestapo did some good things also. Giving the FBI the "they just enforce the law" excuse is total ********, it didn't work at the Nuremberg trials and it damn sure doesn't apply to the FBI. Some of the people they make their adversaries are truly bad people but in so so so many cases they target people who commit totally victimless crimes. In my eyes the FBI is a largely criminal organization that gains the majority of its perceived legitimacy because it is backed by the state. I suppose you support the IRS too when they come and use their guns to steal your money? Or the DEA when they bust the person growing your weed? Federal agencies are certainly an adversary I would like to DEFEND my anonymity from, I hardly think it is shocking that Xerobank, an anonymity service, agrees with me!
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