LastPass Password Manager 1.90.0

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by guest, Jan 28, 2012.

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  1. guest

    guest Guest

    Changes in v1.90.0 – Jan 27th 2012 – All browsers:

    * New: LastPass now has the ability to pull WiFi passwords off your computer save them as a new secure note type and export them onto other computers! (LastPass Icon -> Tools -> Import -> WiFi passwords — requires WiFi connection to import / export)
    * New: HSTS support for IE on if using the LastPass Extension — now all browsers have HSTS support on
    * New: An installer has been added for OS X
    * New: [history] links have been added to the edit site dialog for username and password in the extensions
    * New: Support for the autocompletetype attribute
    * New: Enterprise: Can moved sites in, out and between Shared Folders more easily
    * New: Enterprise Policy to prohibit offline support
    * New: Enterprise Policy to prohibit to force killing other sessions on login
    * Resolved: If you installed Google Chrome via the msi installer (corporate install) we now support installing and pulling password from it
    * Resolved: Added Canary Islands as a form fill location
    * Resolved: Problems with fingerprint reader detection
    * Resolved: Problems with in IE if launched from our page (CSP blocked)
    * Resolved: A few form fill problems with forms that change on selection
    * Resolved: If using a binary extension prefer /dev/urandom, CryptGenRandom if available
    * Resolved: Notify you when Safari’s In Private browsing causes Safari’s bug with HTML5 storage on restart
    * Resolved: An edge case where HTTPONLY wasn’t being set on a cookie
    * FYI: Extensions now share their version number and build date for support tickets

    Homepage –
  2. The Seeker

    The Seeker Registered Member

    Oct 24, 2005
    Couldn't imagine life without LastPass now; I even sprung for a premium account to support development.
  3. Montmorency

    Montmorency Registered Member

    Oct 9, 2011
    Thanks for the info.
    Do you know if we can install over the previous version, or is it recommended to do a clean install?

  4. noons

    noons Registered Member

    Apr 27, 2007

    Same here 12 dollars a year for no ads and to hopefully keep these guys around for a long time is well worth it.
  5. J_L

    J_L Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2009
    My add-on updated automatically without issues for years. I don't think you need clean installs most of the time.
  6. Montmorency

    Montmorency Registered Member

    Oct 9, 2011
  7. xxJackxx

    xxJackxx Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    So what is the general consensus on LastPass where security is concerned? I understand that the data is encrypted, and that if someone were able to intercept my password from my machine that a local solution at that point would be no more secure. I am just leery of an online solution when other sites have been hacked recently that have caused me to have my credit card re-issued twice in the last year.

    I am currently using Sticky Password but I see there is a version 6 in beta testing and the upgrade fee for that will likely cost more than a paid year of LastPass on top of the fact that Firefox's new versioning scheme will force me to have to upgrade things like that in order to keep using them. :thumbd:
  8. HAN

    HAN Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    You're going to get those in favor of LP (like me) and those that consider it too risky. And there is always going to be a division about this.

    The difference to me with LP over something like your credit card example is that the card companies have access to the card number. It may be encrypted/hidden to most of their employees but at some point, someone, somewhere in their organization, the card numbers are viewable/available.

    With LP, an unencrypted form of your database is not available to anyone at LP. They don't have the master password. So even if your database were stolen from them, or they have an employee who wants your passwords, they can't see it because it's never out in the open. It only exists with them in it's encrypted form. (It doesn't exist unencrypted anywhere but your PC.)

    To me, that is a fundamental difference. And why I am ok with LP...
  9. xxJackxx

    xxJackxx Registered Member

    Oct 23, 2008
    Testing it for a few days now and liking it. The free version seems sufficient but if I can't find a reason to stop using it by the end of the week I am going to go ahead and pay them anyway. :thumb:
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