Keylogger synTP.sys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Discussion in 'malware problems & news' started by XYXOXUXWXIXSXHX, Jul 30, 2008.

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    XYXOXUXWXIXSXHX Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    hi I have just joined I have recently started using Kaspersky as I found my PC gurad wasnt good enough and was happy with it as it felt like i was invinsible until recently, had a trojan dont know how a couple weeks ago and i lost evry thing! Yes every ****ing thing! Wich brings me to now, I have alot of problems recently but all seemed easy enough to fix til yesterday I got a message saying i have a keylogger im sure u heard of this one before

    C:/WINDOWS/SYSTEM32/DRIVERS/SYNTP.SYS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Yes this file belongs or should belong to the synoptics touchpad driver device but however i could nt find the file to delete!

    OK the Kaspersky AV asked if i wanted to add to exclusions OR allow wich i thought were basically the same thing!

    OK, so I added to exclusions tried looking for it to delete the AV dodnt give me no options the PC was really slow and i could check no web pages i did a search i could see the results on googl EG this site mentoning the file but i could see nothing the whlole PC was on lockdown!

    I went to restart and i could even log on it went straight to the tech GUYS! theis keylogger was a nasty peice of work wats the point loging if it doens even let the PC properlyo_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O??/

    SO, i reinstalled vista again and then every hting was ok until todays I got the same message!

    I have few programmes saved after last time and as far as I know they are fine and not infected also i believe wiping the whole PC clean and reinstalling vista did or should of got ride of it, but however im not sure how i got it if theres a chance that it mite still be on my PC or may be small chance its on one of the files that i have saved!

    Sorry for long story could some one please help me? i bought my laptop under a year ago, mean alot to me need it for alot of things including work social etc........... I cant have if messing up! After I go Kaspersky thought it was all good idnt worry about things in normally careful when i do download etc i scan every thing!

    OK so any one have any ideas wat where i got this keyloger from that nearly destroyed my PCo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O??/// Or wat i can do to stop it or where i can do a proper scan deep scan to look for it if i did have it on my software?

    I havent been downlaoding since i reinstalled today just sum necessary stuff, I also have PC tool pc doctore now all woking but this i hope will be temporary as it slows the PC down alot!

    thank all help will be much appreciated,



    XYXOXUXWXIXSXHX Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    ok anyone? know one got a clue? cant ownt help? lol

    Anyways im going to leave an update see if anyone can make sense of it,

    Yesterdays after posting here i encountered the problem again and i only saved software i had saved on a disk no downloads, OK when the keylogger box appears no matter wat i do it ****s the pc up half the programmes documents disappera i cant use the net when i ran disk clean up it shows weird things like error report 75.66 gegabites available from cleaning when i only got 100 geg all togethero_Oo_O?

    THis thing or viruses or wateva i have is high end i think it is really hrash stuff, when i restart pc it is even more ****ed!

    Anyways i reinstalled vista todays, keylogger hasnt coem up yet all i installed is kaspersky thats all and flash tocheck internet speed.

    OK i also spoke to virgin media as i received a new modem as result of internet upgrade, i spoke to tech team as internet was reallly slow, he made me check somthing called ping test wich didint receive and then made me do a run on command prompt

    netstat -a and then count the amount of thigs on the list i counted 40 he said my pc is infected and i restarted closed all programmes did it again myself and found 36 things in the list! He told me i shouldnt have more than 6 or 10 things listed!

    THis is where i stand, i dont believe when i reinstalled vista last 5 times from total destructive recovery it is getting rid of every thing!

    this is the link for the get system report log if any one can makes somehtign of it , thanks
    Last edited: Jul 31, 2008
  3. Moore

    Moore Registered Member

    Mar 14, 2004
    land of ?z

    XYXOXUXWXIXSXHX Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    i have made posts on severall forums and yes she has attempted to help me but no real luck yet so thanks for your help!

    If any one else has any ideas would be most grateful , thanks
  5. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    what version of kaspersky are you using?
    6? 7? 2009?
    if using 6 or 7 download 2009 from here make sure you have your license key or code to hand eiether in a text file or on paper. uninstall 6/7 reboot and install 2009 version.

    XYXOXUXWXIXSXHX Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    8 watever that means number 8? i thought mine was the latest version any hows, still havnt sorte dthe problem but the message comes up as syntp>sys keylogger but the message isnt real its just after the message comes up the pc messes up, files delete, cant acces folders or internet access internet but see no text etc.......... and in the end i cant restart the pc either, i think this viruse is on a timer as it takes 24 hours before it shows up no matter what i do

    anyways i reinstalle dvista and av todays so ill hopefully not have it again tomarrow but still i got toomany things runing in cmd netstat -a! recently had over 40 things on there!


    any one else know any ideas o_Oo_Oo_Oo_Oo_O?

    thanks mate
  7. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    yes version 8.
    follow instrctions provided above.
    have you got any external drive?
    maybe an external drive keeps infecting the computer. or maybe a dvd,cd or usb pen.
    are you usiung any cracked software or a cracked version of vista?
    eiether is a sure way of reinfection.
    try posting at kaspersky fourms
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008

    XYXOXUXWXIXSXHX Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    Thanks for your reply.

    Instructions provided above? i have checked mine is version 8 i think and it says anti-virus 2009 and i have kept it up to date.

    Yes i did have cracked software but this time since i reinstaled it yesterdays ( vista ) wiped every thing since then i havent added nothing hardly I left my software cd but the problems always take 24 or so hours so i will find out soon if im infected as bad as before or not, hopefully the keylogger wont appear and i wont have to reinstalll every thing wich means its on my back cd, wich i will neva use again!

    I have kaspersky I sent my serials to my eamil address incase so i dont want to risk nothing now, but i have checked on netstat -a command propmpt not that I understand it much but have been told 10 or more things on the list means im infected and i loose count at 40!

    I will not touch my cd important stuff i have sent to my emails and I stilll havnt got a luce how this happened as long as reinstalling vista has worked this time i will be happy and means I have time at least to sort other problems out.

    Yes I have psoted in several forums some have tried to help, most either dont understand or see the keylogger topic and thinks its the same problem as others, but will see what happens.

    any other suggestions? anything software safe software I can u useo_Oo_Oo_O??

    thanks for your help
  9. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    seems you already have the lastest version of kaspersky installed.
    dont stick in any cd,s dvd's. dont plugin any usb pens or external hard drives. im assusming the cracked programs infected your computer. hopefully your back discs are malware free. if not you may have to extract your data and get rid of the disc that is infected. do you have any external drives? and or usb pens?
    hopefully you learnt your lesson aka pay for all software. if to expensive find a cheaper alternitive.
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2008

    XYXOXUXWXIXSXHX Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    SO u saying I asked for it? lol I dont think so and i didnt have lots of cracked stuff it only mainly a hide ip and couple other stuff so i can try it out first,

    Anyways Mate I had a trojan 2 weeks ago and i lost every thinggggggggggggggggggg vids, pics, documents, most importatnt stuff i will never get it back, so at least in a good bad way this time i didnt have to worry about loosing main things as i already lost them!

    BUt OK so far so good I have had alot of people try and help but Is obviously I got infections but as long as the main virus wich loackdown the whole PC and made me have to reinstall vsta doesnt return its of i will dump my backup disk in a bin!

    I have sent cv's few personal things i do have to my emails so im safe for now, im more worried about my PC

    ok i lost my edit but yeh i have no external drives
  11. lodore

    lodore Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    i didnt mean it like that.
    all it takes to get infected these days is to visit a website.
    its good you have still got some of your personal stuff.
    im glad your getting help removing thre trojans.
    ive worked on alot of infected computers,first one was my 7 year old dell. i lost alot of data off that computer so i know what its like.

    XYXOXUXWXIXSXHX Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    Yeh its all cool mate i know your jsut trying to help im just pissed off ive lost 3 pcs thanks to viruses and the pathetic pointless lowlifes who make them!

    BUt no mate i havnt really got nothing cvs well they were on cd and email i got few pics wich were saved on photoshop etc and usual pics of me on myspace etc wich i dont care about pics of me! I lost things vids pics from sis wedding, my personal pics vids and files and songs, ok songs not important but mainly pics and stuff this pc is fairly new and i got full security and trusted vista too much! the way i saw it i would see it comiing but i didnt and by then was too late!

    but im over it now for now at least today has gone pass and touch wood the error hasnt come up, i still got spyware and adware malware godd knows wat, i used live one care, used avg, used malewarebytes none picked up nothing, altho avg picked sumthing but i had to unistall it as was conflicting with my kaspersky, so hopefully it got deleted.

    but i still need to get ride of deep hidden files learing about, and adaware comes up with things every time i use it some of wich mite not be harmful not sure of the rest.

    BUt yeh thanks for your help, thanks for taking the time to try and help and if you do have any more suggestions, ideas or programmes i could try that are safe would very much appreciate it,

  13. cruelsister

    cruelsister Registered Member

    Nov 6, 2007
    Keyloggers are getting to be one of the most popular things Malware writers are creating as it can detect and send out all sorts of good stuff like bank account passwords, Credit card details, etc.

    You can buy things like KeyScrambler (there's even a free version) which do real well against keylogger tests like AKLT but are hit and miss against zero day stuff. Av's are really for the most part useless here also (most not even good vs AKLT). An example currently is something called LIMBO 2. It's a trojan/keylogger that is guaranteed by the authors to be currently undetectable by everything. They're selling it for about USD1200. Pretty good deal actually.

    The best protection against these current keyloggers is to be abjectly poor with all credit cards maxxed out. You'll still get infected but will have nothing to steal.

    XYXOXUXWXIXSXHX Registered Member

    Jul 30, 2008
    Yeh tahnks for you reply alot of help info wise, but yeh only thing is i dont actuallly think i have got a keylogger, the thing is the keylogger message appears and if i allow it or add to exclusions the antivurs kicks in and the files and folders disappear and then i have to reinstall vista as it wont restart!
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