Keyboard problem

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by cheater87, Apr 24, 2006.

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  1. cheater87

    cheater87 Registered Member

    Apr 22, 2005
    My bro spilled diet coke on the keyboard how can we fix this?
  2. Close_Hauled

    Close_Hauled Registered Member

    Apr 24, 2004
    You can with a vapor degreaser. But I doubt that you have access to such a machine.
  3. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    You have to wait 14 days to make it dry and usable again.
    A vapor degreaser can speed it up of course, but faster isn't always better.
    The remaining sugar of the coke requires additional cleaning, because it makes your keyboard sticky.
  4. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    Don't drink diet coke!
    Erik, diet coke does not have sugar - it has some fancy chemicals.
    Buy a new keyboard.
  5. zarzenz

    zarzenz Registered Member

    May 19, 2002
    This is a method that may result in your keyboard returning to full function, or it may not work and therefore you will still be in the same situation... a keyboard that is damaged beyond repair.

    Therefore... you will have lost nothing... but you just may get it to work again and be fully functional... it really all depends on how badly damaged it has become.

    It may be that the key switches are full of the coke and this is stopping the electrical connections being made, or the effect of the liquid on the electronic circuits may have already made the keyboard damaged beyond repair.

    You will only know which is the situation you have, by doing one thing.

    This is to completely remove all of chemicals that make up the drink, then completely dry it, and then try it. If there is no permanent electronic damage then you may be lucky and have it restored to full use again.

    The method I am about to describe is therefore only to be used if you are prepared to consider that doing it is no guarantee to repair the connections and may also render the keyboard unusable if the process itself causes more unremovable liquid to be deposited inside the switches... this is very much dependant on the design and how effective the drying process used works.

    So... only do this if you are prepared to never get this keyboard working again... in other words... at your own risk, but also with an attitude of nothing gained... nothing lost.

    The method

    First of all,try and take apart as much of the casing as is possible by removing all visible screws on the underside of the keyboard. Note the positions of all the screws for easy later reassembly.

    Then if possible... carefully remove the keytops... but do not use too much force as you don't want to break the switch stems or the plastic tops doing this. Take care and go slowly. If they can't be removed then continue to the next stage.

    Get a container... a large plastic bowl, or even the kitchen sink itself will do for the purpose, and fill it with hot but not boiling water. Add some washing up detergent to this so that the water becomes slightly soapy.

    Then immerse the guts of the keyboard in this water/detergent mix. Swish it around to fully wash out all the coke solution from the switches and surrounding components. Take care not to burn your hands... plastic gloves that are designed for washing up could be used at this stage of the operation.

    Then remove and dry off as much of the water as possible before the next stage.

    You now have to use a method of getting the keyboard completely dry. A hair dryer or other warm air device can be employed. You must ensure that every single drop of moisture is removed from every place possible on the board and from inside every switch and around every component.

    Take time over this... it must be done with care also not to overheat the board in any way. Use a low heat setting and take lots of time. When all obvious water is removed... you need to allow air to then dry any hidden moisture that may be left... to do this leave the keyboard in a warm place for at least 24 hours... maybe even 48 if time is not a problem at this stage.

    Then... you can reassemble... connect... and try it again.

    If it works... and there is a 50/50 chance that it will... then you have saved yourself the cost of a new keyboard. If it doesn't... then you will have lost nothing, but gained an interesting and enjoyable experience in the process of trying a radical method of repair.

    I have used this method even on complex electronic boards and got them working again when all else failed. It depends on how much damage was caused by the initial liquid on the board... and if components blew in the process. If they did... then a new keyboard is the only remedy.

    But if it is just damp switches... this may work but it is important to wash them rather than just try to dry them as this will leave a stickyness always due to the nature of the coke drink itself.

    Good luck... let us know if this works if you decide to try it.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2006
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