
Discussion in 'privacy technology' started by merisi, Jan 1, 2013.

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  1. merisi

    merisi Registered Member

    I bought an Ironkey last year and I can't decide whether or not I'm using it properly or if it's a complete waste of money. It seems to be stuck on Firefox 6 when I use their TOR network and while I can update the browser, that makes the identity manager redundant. I also pay for LastPass so I guess it makes using their identity manager pretty pointless as when I change passwords I have to transfer them over to my Ironkey. I'm really begnning to wish I'd spent my money on using a VPN instead.

    Does anyone else use an Ironkey and get better use out of it then I'm currently doing?
  2. LockBox

    LockBox Registered Member

    IronKey left the business. They sold off their hardware division to Imation. The rest scattered and I have no clue about their private onion network.
  3. Yeah complete waste of money, they sold their gear to immatation.
  4. merisi

    merisi Registered Member

    Maybe I should run my ironkey over with a car it seems the most impressive thing they did with it.
  5. Taliscicero

    Taliscicero Registered Member

    Wouldn't getting a 4GB USB stick, encrypted it in AES with TrueCrypt and then putting the TOR Browser Bundle & Last Pass on it?

    What benefits does it have?
  6. merisi

    merisi Registered Member

    Definitely a much cheaper way. I think that an Ironkey would only be useful if you wanted to create an entire secret identity or needed to access sensitive material on public wifi.
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