Iobit is back with a new product

Discussion in 'other anti-malware software' started by Ibrad, Apr 11, 2010.

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  1. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    Mar 20, 2008
    garybear with all ur respect too much talking about this memory leak buddy:D
    anyway i hate memory leak programs:thumbd: so in away i agree with you but please we all know this piece of garbage iobit is:thumbd:
  2. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hi friend. I'm new here , but I got your message. Load and clear. I'm gone. Only wanted to answer members questions. This forum is different than what I'm used to, but I will get used to it. Thanks for your advice!
  3. jmonge

    jmonge Registered Member

    Mar 20, 2008
    no problem i dont want to make feel bad as that is not my nature but iobit is a mediocre program we all know that:) i will advise not to use as it is a hoggy;) use some thing else:thumb: and welcome to wilders:thumb:
  4. snoopy2010

    snoopy2010 Registered Member

    May 21, 2010
    yes Gray take a chill
  5. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    I have IOBS running now for >27 hours on a test machine. Also for a little over 4 hours on 3 in-the-shop machines at our computer lab. NO leak thus far.

    I do not doubt that some folks have encountered problems. However, it is obvious that this problem is difficult to replicate. In my case, 4 computers haven't yet been able to replicate the issue.

    GIVEN: It is well-nigh impossible to resolve an issue until after it can be reliably & repeatedly replicated.

    A- Users with small RAM (size DOES matter) who want to run IOBS &/or other contemporary big-footprint security programs need to configure their computer properly for that situation. Namely:

    A1- They need to learn about & manage the system cache file. See HERE and HERE.

    A2- Secondly, they need to optimize their page file. That is a "given" for anyone who wants to run contemporary security programs on small ram. (One of our shop machines has only 512MB RAM & is running IOBS just fine.)

    B- If someone says they should not have to configure an out-dated computer in order to run complex contemporary programs, then the options are:

    B1- Upgrade RAM
    B2- Reboot at convenient times during the day (e.g., when going to lunch, using the restroom, etc). NOTE: For quite a long time Firefox had issues about not fully releasing unused memory. Mozilla's programmers took many many months to finally ameliorate this issue (it still is *slightly* present for some FF users). In the meantime, the school solution was REBOOT.
    B3- Use cleanmem. Yes, this is a controversial approach. However, cleanmem does NOT actually do any cleaning itself. Instead it simply calls the Windows API "EmptyWorkingSet" and Windows itself does the memory housekeeping. Also, cleanmem runs for only 2 or 3 seconds every half-hour -- less often, if desired.

    I find it interesting that, thus far in this thread, no one has offered any actual non-anecdotal, objective SECURITY performance information concerning IOBS.

    I will again mention that the single most IMPORTANT fact about this or any other security program is...

    HOW GOOD IS IT at protecting your computer?

    Until that question is answered, who gives a rip about any other aspect of IOBS? Not me, that's for sure.
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2010
  6. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hi friend!! Thank you. All very good information!! I have done everyone of them. I can see you are very PC literate. I have a few of your skills and I'm always learning. Very informative post. Thank you!!
  7. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Hi! I'm almost afraid to post on this thread. I do not want to be banned. Since bellgamin is testing IObit360 for memory leaks, I just want to tell him what I experienced. My wife is a big fan of Outlook Express. After my PC was left running for 3 days, Outlook Express would not open mail and would get a message of low memory. Also IE8 wound not connect to internet with same message. After reboot, every thing was fine. I use Smart Ram to return memory to my system, but it did not help. I discovered by accident that if I did not run IObit in real time, I would have no problems with memory. I asked IObit to fix this and was banned for my effort. I do not want to break forum rules. I just want to tell bellgamin what I found. I want to just leave this thread and move on, but I keep getting drawn back.===garybear
  8. CloneRanger

    CloneRanger Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2006

    Relax, we get the message ;) No need to reinvent the wheel.

    Enjoy your stay here :thumb:
  9. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    Sorry again!! I just wanted to help bellgamin with his tests. Do we not won't to help each other on this site??
  10. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    For the last time, posting about the IOBit product is okay. But, you must stop posting about the IOBit forums and being banned... that is not the topic of this thread, and frankly it has absolutely nothing to do with testing and working with the product. So, leave that out from now on and post only about the product.

    You know a lot about the product, so, post about that if you want. Heck, maybe you know what specific modules cause the worst of the memory leak. If you do, then tell bellgamin what modules he should use or options he should set, if you know some that highlight the problem the most. If you do, he'll probably test that, too.
  11. garybear

    garybear Registered Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    HI friend! I'm really trying my best. I'm leaving this thread and I'm moving on. I'm afraid to say any thing, so it's best I just leave even though I would love to help bellgamin with his test. I might just send him PM instead of posting. I will give it some thought. Poof I'm gone!!
  12. firzen771

    firzen771 Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2007
    :ouch: :cautious:...
  13. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
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