I'm officially done with Dr Web

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by n8chavez, Aug 30, 2007.

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  1. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    Count me as more more former Dr Web user who has finally given up on the Doc. The attitude and resolve of the support staff used to be a major plus for Dr Web, now it's the reason why I will never again use their product. A while ago I reported a bug between Dr Web 4.44 beta and WindowBlinds which caused the on-demand scanner for Dr Web to have GUI issues; jumbled text. That issue, I'm sorry to say, will never be resolved. I was told by their technical support staff today that the bug is "unfixable" and that they will no longer work towards finding a solution to this issue. It is version 4.44's implementation of SpiderShield that is causing the issue. So, WindowBlinds user do not user Dr Web anymore. I will no longer recommend Dr Web to any of my customers.

    It is a sad day...
  2. GES/POR

    GES/POR Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Im sorry to see you leave the doctor. :'(
  3. NAMOR

    NAMOR Registered Member

    May 19, 2004
    St. Louis, MO
    Did you try to add drweb32w.exe to the windowblinds skinning exclusion list?

  4. i_g

    i_g Registered Member

    Aug 30, 2006
    I don't have any experience with DrWeb, so this is just a general comment:

    I'm certainly surprised with this attitude... I consider all these skinning applications to be quite a big hack - so that would be the first thing to blame when something isn't displayed correctly (and not only displayed, I've seen much worse conflicts). Why are you so sure that it's DrWeb's fault? Why not dumping this WindowBlinds **** instead? Maybe the bug is actually there... (or more precisely, use whatever you give higher priority to - but why blaming DrWeb?)
  5. RejZoR

    RejZoR Lurker

    May 31, 2004
    You can't really blame DrWeb guys if some 3rd party skinning tool fails to skin it properly. Start by complaining to Stardock (authors of WindowBlinds).
  6. Hipgnosis

    Hipgnosis Registered Member

    Aug 26, 2003
    Witness Protection Program
    Personally, if I had to choose between security and looks (WindowBlinds), security would always win.
  7. RejZoR

    RejZoR Lurker

    May 31, 2004
    I personally prefered UXTheme Patcher and some nice skins (most of them made by StudioTwentyEight look excellent).
  8. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    It's not so much the fact that there is a bug in Dr Web 4.44 that conflicts with WindowBlinds, it's how Dr Web support handled the situation. I was working with them, or rather waiting on them, for nearly four months and all they told me was "unfixable." I'm not choosing skinability over security, I'm leaving because of the support team. They essentially said "to hell with you." Same to them.

    If this issue had existed in prior vesions of Dr Web then I might have been a little more reluctant in tryin to find a solution for it. But every version prior to 4.44 worked perfectly. It was the way they chose to implement technologies in 4.44 that led to this issue, not WindowBlinds, else this issue would have surfaced before.
  9. risl

    risl Registered Member

    Dec 8, 2006
    Maybe it just can't be fixed then, if it is unfixable atleast they admit it and did not keep you waiting in hoping for a fix. I'd say that is good support, facts as facts and not trying to avoid saying they can't do anything about it. That kinds of software I believe is hard to make compatible with everything and skinning applications might not be on top of the list.
  10. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    It sounds like they tried but it required some major code changes. Probably they realized it was not worth fixing. At least they let you know….

  11. C.S.J

    C.S.J Massive Poster

    Oct 16, 2006
    this forum is biased!
    this is exactly what your doing, your choosing a skin-creating program over your antivirus, the support has already told you its unfixable.

    the simple choice is drweb or this other program, and it looks like you have made up your mind already,

    to be fair, if anyone ever complains about drweb, it is you, and i dont mean this in any bad agressive way, just stating that you might be happier with any AV.

    i just dont quite understand why you (or anyone) would use it if you have soo many problems with the software, there are plenty of others out there that will suit your needs, im sure. o_O
  12. bellgamin

    bellgamin Registered Member

    Aug 1, 2002
    If I had to choose between (A) a cardiologist with good bedside manners but uncertain competence, and (B) a cardiologist with high competence & an aloof or even arrogant attitude, I would choose (B) to do my triple-by-pass open-heart surgery.

    I would be delighted to find a doctor who is both highly competent AND a sweetie-pie, but such is life -- those are not in the majority.

    In the case of antivirus programs, the analogy does not quite hold true because there are competent AV programs that offer more congenial tech support. VBA is an example. Even so, I looooove the good Doctor Web. :-*
  13. C.S.J

    C.S.J Massive Poster

    Oct 16, 2006
    this forum is biased!
    or just do what NAMOR said about excluding it, he was even kind enough to show a screenshot. :blink:


    1. dont mess with the layouts of windows
    2. use proper themes that are spread across the internet

    these wont effect drwebs GUI.
  14. GES/POR

    GES/POR Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Last time i mailed vba i haven't gotten a respons plus not all questions on the forum get's awsnered so it's not on top of my list anymore. I only wanted to support them but they should return the favour or at least responding. So far when it comes to support drweb is number 1 on my list. If i mail drweb today ill get a respons back tomorrow if i mail back again i will get on within the same day and if i respond again i will get all mails from then within several hours. bugtracker get's responded within a day and support ticket you can nag all you want and theyll keep at it with you. Another drweb remark in there favour: how about discounts, ive never encountered as much discounts as i got from them a simple mail will do.
  15. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
    One post removed. Let's stay focused on thread topics in these forums.
  16. NAMOR

    NAMOR Registered Member

    May 19, 2004
    St. Louis, MO

    Yeah Dr.Web email supoort is pretty quick. Maybe, n8chavez didn't like the WAY they replied to his email (wording perhaps?). I have to admit that Dr.Web support can be a little blunt in their replies. However, I will assume that it has to do with English not being their native language...
  17. n8chavez

    n8chavez Registered Member

    Jul 19, 2003
    Location Unknown
    No one seems to be getting this and to be honest I don't really understand why? It is true that I would prefer to move on to another AV than to have to conform my tastes and setting to what the AV vendor says they should be. After all, isn't it their job to answer to the users and not the other way around. No other AV has this issue, just them. They need to be made aware just what the problem is and how many users are going to be effected by any given issue which, by me filling out the beg report and working with Dr web support, was done. Dr Web, knowig that this will be an issue for any user that also uses WindowBlinds, chose to to ignore me this issue because they did not want to put it the work in order to circumvent whatever was causing this issue in the first place. This is their job. It should not be up to the user to change their preferences. The fact of the matter is Dr Web does not demonstrate their loyalty to the user, in part because of this issue and because of how rude support was in notifying me of their decisions and progress. There are companies out there that value their users and can come up with better suggestions, should the need arise, then 'change your preferences.'
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