How to deal with System Reserved partition

Discussion in 'Paragon Drive Backup Product Line' started by RobertHF, Sep 27, 2015.

  1. RobertHF

    RobertHF Registered Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    I previously upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 and I now want to do a clean install of Windows 10. Before doing so, I want to take a backup image of my current C: drive. My aim is simply to get back to my pre- clean install state if I need to. The layout of my drives is as shown below:


    My problem is, I'm not sure how to deal with the System Reserved partition. When I use the the "Backup to Virtual Disk" wizard and select the C: drive, I notice that it also automatically selects the System Reserved partition. If I accept this, what does that mean for restoration? Will both the System Reserved partition and the C: drive be restored in the same restore session?

    Alternatively, is it better to save the System Reserved partition and the C: drive in separate archives and restore them separately?

    Thanks for any advice.
  2. wptski

    wptski Registered Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    Don't worry about the System Reserve Partition, Paragon with take care of that. I restored W10TP probably a dozen times with no problems at all.
  3. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    Flat Earth Matrix
    Indeed, just delete all partitions, except your data and 10 will create a new System Reserve partition, like this:

    Attached Files:

  4. RobertHF

    RobertHF Registered Member

    Sep 23, 2015
    Hi Bill,

    Thanks for the reply. Re my original question, when doing the backup should I therefore select both the system restore partition and the c drive, or just the c drive?

    TairikuOKami: I wan't to keep things as simple as possible, so I'd ideally like to leave all existing partitions in place, and simply archive what I need to restore the contents of the c: drive. But I need to get clear in my mind how to handle the system restore partition. My simple-minded picture of it is that if I really needed to I could back up the system restore drive and the c drive separately, and then restore them separately. But I'm unsure if the new install of Windows 10 would resize the system restore partition.

    Given my above simple disk configuration, if someone could give a simple 2 or 3 step outline of how they would go about backing up and restoring the C: drive, using the virtual disk format in Backup and Recovery 15, that would be much appreciated.
  5. Robin A.

    Robin A. Registered Member

    Feb 25, 2006
    Backup the first 3 partitions, SRP, C: and the recovery partition, using the PVHD format. Restore the same 3 to unallocated space. Using Hard Disk Manager or B&R, you can backup the 3 partitions in the same process. But to restore several partitions in the same process you have to use the Linux boot medium.

    If you use the Linux boot medium to restore, bear in mind that the DEV (E) partition can be deleted, if it is present in the disk. Select the restore options carefully and backup the DEV partition.
  6. Richard Grandbois

    Richard Grandbois Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2015
    I am a new user and am running a full version Paragon backup v12. I need some help from the experienced user community please. I am running a dual boot system Windows 7 Pro and Windows 10. I simply want to back-up my system creating a system image once I have installed and updated the OS so that I can go back to a clean image when I want to and eventually restore it to a new hard drive in the next 6 months. Win10 is installed on a 128GB SSD in a 50GB partition and Win7 pro on a 50GB partiton in a 600GB RAID 5 disk array. I have browsed through the user guide and searched this forum but can’t seem to find the back-up method/process required for a system disk so that it boots once restored. Can some take me through the steps, please. I assume a sector based backup. Can I backup the partition only or do I need to do the whole disk? What process to I use to ensure it will be bootable when restored? Thanks for your help.
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