How do you change Screen colors??

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Prince_Serendip, Sep 20, 2002.

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  1. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    :) Hello Everyone!

    This is probably another incredibly simple thing to do. I would like to change the color of my screens in Internet Explorer and in Word 6. White is killing my eyes! How do I do that??

    Whether it takes an app or is a technique, I'd really like to know. Thanks in advance. (This computer came sans instructions. Win98se.)

    Best regards from Larry!
  2. Re:How do you change background colors??

    Right click blank spot on your desk top..go to properties..then appearence..there you will find some goodies..use the '?' in the top right corner by left click on it to "attach" the question mark on the pointer that will allow you to left click again on any wording or field in that window to see what each can do..before you make any change.

    Good luck..
  3. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    Re:How do you change background colors??

    :rolleyes: Hi John!

    Nope, doesn't work. I do not care about my desktop. I want to change the whiter-than-white color that you put alphanumeric characters on in Word 6 and/or IE 5.5.

    Like the Blue Screen (of Death) I want my screen to be anything other than white!

    Thanks for trying. Know another way? An app perhaps? I do not want a toolbar skin. Is there such a thing as a "screen skin?" Can I type onto wallpaper?

    Best regards from Larry! :)
  4. No I do not think you understood...when you get to that place where you see the appearence click on you look at all the stuff there and you see a small window that is now "WHITE" in color with a frame around it...

    you left click on the "white" of that small window you do not like and then below you will see that the field will say "window"..and to the right the little color patch will be white is right there that you can them click the little down arrow and get a whole palate of other colors..use any one you wish or you could even make your own special color.

    That is how you change the white screen of IE ..OE or any thing else that uses a window...In 98 they will all be the same.

    Do you understando_O?

    Hope that helps.


    PS then make sure you hit "apply" and ok ;)
  5. Prince_Serendip

    Prince_Serendip Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2002
    :) Hi John!

    This is the third time I've quoted Homer Simpson with "DOH!!" Now I fully understand. See? It was something exceedingly simple after all!

    However, Thank You for taking the time to help me with this and for putting up with my misunderstanding!

    (It's a pity though that you have retired your "cape and tights." MyNethingyman is a great handle!)

    Warmest regards from Larry! ;)
  6. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    A black screen with yellow racing stripes :cool: :cool: :cool:

    You are going to have fun with the Green Hornet.

    Don your cape Prince..tights are optional :blink:

    Grooooovy Baby :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
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