Gladiator - free trojan/worm/virus scanner

Discussion in 'other anti-trojan software' started by polo, Aug 31, 2002.

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  1. polo

    polo Guest

    Comments please:
  2. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    Gladiator is Trojan/Worm scanner!
    This post is moved to the appropriate section !
  3. Gnostic

    Gnostic Registered Member

    Apr 17, 2002
    South Carolina, USA
    This is an Alpha trojan-worm scanner. It is far from complete and perfert, but work is on-going and continuous. I d/l the program four days ago and immediately ran into a problem with LiveUpDate. I kept getting a Runtime 13 type mismatch error. I posted on Gladiator's support forum and immediately received replies. The solutions did not work. I waited and d/l a fresh copy today and ran LiveUpDate. Everything is working fine now. The quick scan of my system (5 gigs) took about 3 minutes. At this time, there seems to be no way to remove trojans or worms if found. According to the forums, this is under development. The GUI is clean and simple and the instructions and helpfiles are easy to understand.

    In the last few days, an entire English sections has been added to their forum and covers GUI, engine, patterns, updates and others problems. Gladiator is very active on his board and answers questions quickly. Sometimes he has come back within fifteen minutes with an update to solve various problems. If he continues to develop the program and stay in touch with real users, this could develop into a good solid alternative to the pay programs. I'm not a developer or tester, so hopefully someone with experience can give feedback on this program.

    I intend to use this program along with ANTS 2.2 to protect my system. I am running the eval versions of TDS 3 and TrojanHunter but cannot afford the full versions at this time. This is why Gladiator and ANTS are so important in this much neglected field of trojan and worm detection.

    Good work and thanks Gladiator!! :D
  4. Open Source

    Open Source Guest

    I have ran into similar problems but now everything is running perfectly.

    You are right it is far from being finished but its looks are extremely impressive I have never seen a security application that was so pleasing to the eye's.

    I only hope that continuation of this product continues I love both ants and gladiator.
  5. Bethrezen

    Bethrezen Registered Member

    Apr 16, 2002

    i have a question probabley already been answered but all ask anyway

    like most i cant aford to by an at and it is my intention to use both ants and Gladiator ans my ats

    im just wonderin if these 2 will work ok side by side on one comp have they been tested sbs on one comp to work out any compatablity issues ?
  6. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands

    Both the (existing) ANTS and Gladiator don't have a resident tunning Guard build in. As long as you will make sure, just one of them will be running, there should be no problems.

    Gladiator is IMHO far to new to a) know of compability issues with most other software around b) at this very early stage, not a trustworthy first line in defense against trojans/backdoors/worms.


  7. Gnostic

    Gnostic Registered Member

    Apr 17, 2002
    South Carolina, USA
    I totally agree with this statement. Although I hope to be able to use Gladiator in conjunction with ANTS 2.2 (when it is released), at the moment I am not using Gladiator alone. Until such a time when both of the above named applications are stable and mature, I am also using the eval versions of TDS3, Wormguard and TrojanHunter. While some of these evals are limited in time and features, they do offer known, stable and very good protection in the meantime. For those who can not afford the commercial programs, the evals are still better than no protection at all. Hopefully, the free programs will at some time in the not to distant future be ready for primetime.
  8. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Well, in essence you'll get what you pay for - a freeware solution will never be able to compete with the best payware solutions.

    That said: a comparatively nice freeware solution is far better than none at all.

    As for the ETA: don't hold your breath. IMHO it will take at least 6 months before a reasonably nice freeware solution could be available.


  9. Gnostic

    Gnostic Registered Member

    Apr 17, 2002
    South Carolina, USA
    You are correct of course. But, as I've tried to say before, there is a difference between those who think all programs should be free and those who out of necessity must look for and use free programs. When times were good for me personally, I bought my programs--everything from M$ Office to Norton anti-virus. At the moment, I must by circumstance use the best free programs I can. When circumstances allow, I will once again purchase the best I can in every category. All some of us are after is the best possible free programs for the time being. If I could, I would buy TDS--one day I will--but now I'm using the eval version and testing Gladiator.

    I apologize for getting off subject, but I just feel 'looked down on" because I have to look into free programs. I don't feel like stating in every post that I can't afford the commercial programs. When I ask about a free program, I am asking out of necessity. I do appreciate you and everyone else at Wilders for all the good input and your willingness to help newbies. I understand that what you say is also to remind everyone that there is no shortcut to security. If I have offended anyone, I again apologize.

  10. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    lol what you say make sence to me i dont think it was off subject perty related if you ask me
  11. Gnostic

    Gnostic Registered Member

    Apr 17, 2002
    South Carolina, USA
    Thanks Sir Blaze ;) I'm just having a bad day and it popped out. Maybe I should have used a pop-up blocker. :D
  12. DrSeltsam

    DrSeltsam Guest

    >Well, in essence you'll get what you pay for - a freeware solution will never be
    >able to compete with the best payware solutions.

    We will see :eek:).
  13. Gnostic

    Gnostic Registered Member

    Apr 17, 2002
    South Carolina, USA
    I'm with you Andreas!! I am looking forward to your efforts!! :D
  14. Paul Wilders

    Paul Wilders Administrator

    Jul 1, 2001
    The Netherlands
    Let's put the record straight here!

    - No one is looking down on anyone here; as far as I can tell, that's not the spirit from this board ;)

    - You have not offended anyone.


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