F Secure scan interrupted?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by topguynow, Mar 21, 2012.

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  1. topguynow

    topguynow Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2010
    I have been trialing the antivirus of F Secure for a day now. When I run a scan for malware it runs for about 5 minutes and stops scanning with a message that "Scanning Was Interrrupted." (No malware found) I have scanned with Malwarebytes, Hitman Pro, ESET Online Scanner,TDSS Killer and Norton Power Eraser...All come up clean. Does anyone have any ideas?
  2. SoCalReviews

    SoCalReviews Registered Member

    Apr 14, 2006
    Los Angeles, CA
    Here are some suggestions..... If you have any other antimalware programs installed with real time protection like MBAM Pro..... then make sure you go into the "exclusions" area of both F-Secure AV and any other antimalware software you have and exclude the main folders and the main executable files from each other so it lessens potential conflicts between their real time protection.

    For F-Secure exclusions go into the Settings and look under the Virus and Antipyware scan page (real time scanning) ...at the bottom for "open excluded item list"...then go to Objects tab...then point to the main drive where program files are stored to look for and "Add" the folders and/or the main executable files of other antimalware programs for exclusion. This also needs to be done under the F-Secure settings for "Manual Scanning"......at the bottom of that page repeat the process to exclude other antimalware programs for manual scans (which also includes the settings for scheduled scans).

    I know you have already done this process but I thought I would include it anyway for others having the same problem.....F-Secure has highly rated protection but since AV and malware evolves you can never be to sure with any single AV alone. Run alternative malware scans to make sure malware somehow didn't slip past F-Secure's protection and is halting the scan. After updating their definitions try running them in safe mode with and/or without networking services enabled. If you suspect this happened MBAM (Malwarebytes antimalware) and HitmanPro (can be run for one time scanning for malware without installing or it can be fully installed and then run) ...programs can be effective at rooting out malware that sometimes gets past many major AV programs to go undetected (certain root kits, boot kits, etc.)

    Make sure F-Secure is fully updated before running a manual scan. When it updates it can interrupt other operations of the program temporarily. Sometimes program updates such as Windows updates, F-Secure updates or updates from other antimalware programs you might be using can seem to halt or slow the security scans.

    Make sure you don't have multiple AV and antimalware programs scheduled to scan within the same time frame...which would cause overlapping scheduled scans. Scheduled the scans of the different programs at least two hours apart or on separate days.

    Make sure your hard drive is defragmented and checked for file corruption errors or file system errors (for example...for XP you can use the Windows Defrag utility program...It will usually detect the location of those corrupted files.). Those unmovable and/or unrepaired and unrepairable files that can cause read errors may disrupt scans. Corrupted files can be added to your F-Secure Manual Scan excluded files list so they don't halt the AV scan process. Just make sure they are not viruses by trying to scan with another antimalware program like MBAM before excluding them as simply fragmented/corrupted files on the drive.

    Finally, if you still have scans seeming to be interrupted and you have heuristics scanning enabled in F-Secure....under the Settings...Manual Scanning (which includes scheduled scan settings)... Then try turning off "use advanced heuristics" off by un-checking the box.
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2012
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