essential freeware

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by iceni60, Mar 21, 2005.

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  1. Sputnik

    Sputnik Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2005
    I'll recommend the one with AFPL Ghostscript. This will deliver better quality...
  2. Arup

    Arup Guest

    Agreed on the APFL, currently though I am using the version 8.1 RC1 and it also works real good.
  3. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California
    Nick R, I will take your word for that, and yes that is what I meant, XP's very own quick launch. And if someone had the balls to blatantly hijack the name of one of XP's features in that manner, I for one, would not mind seeing Microsoft go to town on them.

    But let's not get carried away with pro-Microsoft rhetoric here. All I'm saying is it is free, configurable, and efficient.

    24-we, First I'll say that your screen looks very nice from what I can see of it. I have implimented space scenes before, and let me tell you, all of my on-screen icons were in on the charade. Yes, the Enterprise was an icon, and all manner of klingon, Romulan, Ferengi, ect as well as star bases satelites comets. Still, I didnt have your slick background. I usually am happy with what I have until I see someone with something that I just HAVE to have. I saw one of the Iceni's that lurk around here have the word "Iceni*" where Bill said there should be the word "Start". So I asked how, and the rest is history....only...I have the enterprise logo...Hah!

    As far as customizing this and that, everything is preference. Not to be criticle, but my current rule is no icons on the desktop period. I like the cleaner look and the ability to put wallpaper there. Yes Just a humble picture, and my quick lauch.

    What I like is to have my 43 Quick Launch icons where I can see them. The majority are linked to applications. Yes, I do have some folders too. They are not identicle, and they are not manilla either. I'm not saying that I'm lazy. I will click start and then one of the addition 34 icons there, but I have gotten used to 90% of the time seeing and clicking.

    *** in a rare moment of soul searching I think ***
    I can't believe I am sitting here defending my

    Dammit, I love my quick launch icons. Just leave me along so I can launch in peace!


    - HandsOff

    Here's a program for you might like. I hate it when my programs have meta data and i have no clue and no say on what they are. Its like my own programs are out there talking about me behind my back. OKay check this. It not only lets you view, but you can edit. Notice the nice interface. I am liking this!

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Nov 9, 2005
  4. hadi

    hadi Guest

    Crimson Editor
  5. hadi

    hadi Guest

    DIALux 4.0
  6. hadi

    hadi Guest

    The NetBeans IDE 4.1
  7. StevieO

    StevieO Guest

    Hi all here's a few more for you.

    Freefile + WhoLockMe- find what process has locked a file

    Cannot delete file: Access is denied
    There has been a sharing violation.
    The source or destination file may be in use.
    The file is in use by another program or user.
    Make sure the disk is not full or write-protected and that the file is not currently in use.

    If you've seen any of the above messages and wondered what program locked the file, here is a utility for you: FreeFile. Freefile will track down the offending process and, optionally, kill it for you. Some readers may already be using WhoLockMe, a similar program.

    Either one is invaluable when this situation occurs. The difference between them is: WhoLockMe is an Explorer extension which must be installed before use, while FreeFile is a simple standalone executable that you can just open and run - no installation on the target computer is necessary.


    This software is developed by GrubleTrang Corp

    You must have the .Net Framework in order to run this program.

    Loads of GRAPHIC stuff and tweaks etc on here.

    Collected tweaks & links to change the look.

  8. Franklin

    Franklin Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    West Aussie
    Ever wondered why your hard disk is full? Or what directory is taking up most of the space? When using conventional disk browsing tools, such as Windows Explorer, these questions may be hard to answer.

    With SequoiaView however, they can be answered almost immediately. SequoiaView uses a visualization technique called cushion treemaps to provide you with a single picture of the entire contents of your hard drive.
  9. roflmania

    roflmania Registered Member

    Nov 9, 2005
    just a reminder, not all free stuffs come in handy.

    im not being cynic but some program developers have something more than what you see up their sleeves.
  10. hadi

    hadi Guest

    POV-Ray 3.6
  11. TonyW

    TonyW Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2005
    I've been using this since Acrobat Reader v6 started getting heavy.
  12. NGRhodes

    NGRhodes Registered Member

    Jun 23, 2003
    West Yorkshire, UK
    Some... very few IMHO. They run the risk of being caught out, just look at the Sony DRM software issue that is in all the news at the moment.

    One of the advantages of open source, rather than closed source, is that the source code is there for disection, so there is nothing to hide.

    I always run new software assuming the worst is gonna happen (be it a bug or nasty intentional feature), too many people run/install software (legal or pirated) far too trustingly.

    NICK ADSL UK Administrator

    May 13, 2003
    Friends i am looking for some Video Editing Tools that you know of and of very high quality when burned to DVD. Cyberlink's magic directer is excellent and the end result's very professional also being very nice and simple but unfortunately on my computer it is very slow as this software needs a high end processor. So any help here would be much appreciated
    Many thanks in advance
  14. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California
    Let us know what you find, Nick! I have tried editing video several times, but loose patience with it. Ulead was very efficient but it crashed me a couple of times.

    - HandsOff
  15. MICRO

    MICRO Registered Member

    Jun 8, 2004


    about a 7 scrolldown

    Spyware Alert: Goldfishfreebies

  16. iceni60

    iceni60 ( ^o^)

    Jun 29, 2004
  17. RipVanTinkle

    RipVanTinkle Registered Member

    Oct 20, 2005
    I stopped using Adobe Reader too :)
    Foxit does all I want it to do - so far

    cheers for the VirualPlastic link. I got a good number of programs from
    there in the past but forgot all about it since upgrading my system
    earlier this year
  18. dog

    dog Guest

    Yes but be careful if you install it it comes bundled with Foxit Security Suite ... it's labelled and you can opt out of it.

    Attached Files:

  19. JerryM

    JerryM Registered Member

    Aug 31, 2003
    Hi Tony,
    I downloaded it and installed a few months ago, but somehow it did not work. When I went to a PDF file Acrobat came up, and Foxit would never open and do the job. I am sure that it was something about the way I installed it or set it up, but I could never figure it out so I uninstalled it.

  20. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California

    Err..Dog...I'm sure you meant to say Foxie Security Suite. I don't know anything about FSS, however aside from the slightly sneeky install tactic, something about their graphic somehow seems a bit twisted to me.

    Hey, Jerry, don't worry, I do feel silly mentioning these things because they are obvious, and from what I have read in your posts you are pretty good with a computer still...since in works quite well for me, possibly due to a newer version I will say them anyways. The most obvious is checking the folder properties in windows explorer and look up the .pdf extension and change it from acrobat to foxit, if necessary. The second one might not even apply, but I know that when acrobat is installed it will put somekind of helper file in your startup folder. I always take it out, but maybe if you don't, then it might be somehow activating acrobat.

    Now for the big news. I downloaded a mindreading program. I will try it. If it works I will not tell anyone...who would?

    - HandsOff!
  21. StevieO

    StevieO Guest

    RipVanTinkle glad you enjoyed rediscovering them !

    iceni60 does this mean that you've installed the Arcade Classic Arcade Pack and tested them now ?

    I DL and scanned at Jottis again and this time got an all clear. Just a little concerned about the Foxie Security Suite that dog mentioned, even though it seems that you can refuse it !

  22. iceni60

    iceni60 ( ^o^)

    Jun 29, 2004
    yes. i knew i should never have mentioned it and there had been problems with it, it's just i love Asteroids. anyway, all the games work fine apart from Asteroids :| the screen stays blank! has anyone else installed it? does Asteroids work? i may install version 3.7 and see if it works. it is clean though.
  23. iceni60

    iceni60 ( ^o^)

    Jun 29, 2004
    this is my favouite download manager. it reaches 3 times the speed of downloads without it and it will resume downloads at a later date, or if the connection is broken. it will support up to 8 concurrent downloads. A built in web parser even lets you download complete websites with all images and scripts in no time. the interface is very good, It also includes a full-featured FTP client to download, delete and manage files on FTP servers In addition, LeechGet provides many features, such a automatic downloading, resume of broken downloads, download timer, automatic hang-up and shutdown and more. there's a Firefox and Opera plugin too and lots of setup options e.g. automatically scan completed downloads.

    if you are interested i would get it quickly because this is an older version to the one on the home page. the one on the home page only supports 1 download at a time.
  24. Arup

    Arup Guest

    There is another good, free and stable Freedownload Manager from which is still under development and supports almost all the functions of other paid download managers including mirror search, preview of movies while they are being downloaded and of course segmented fetching of file from different servers, you can also do FTP, virus scan on download and best of all, it supports unlimited number of concurrent downloads.
  25. Mysterion

    Mysterion Guest

    You can play Asteroids, Pacman, Space Invaders etc. at Neave Games.
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