Clean Restart

Discussion in 'ProcessGuard' started by jim28277, Nov 23, 2005.

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  1. jim28277

    jim28277 Registered Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    Charlotte, NC
    I have been using PG for several months and have "allowed" several hundred programs to run on my system. I hate to admit it, but I have not always been careful about some of the programs that I have permitted to run on my system. Thank goodness my system is clean so far as I can tell. I've begun to feel a little paranoid about my security habits and would like to restart PG with a clean slate and be a little more juditious about the programs I grant permission to. Can someone please tell me how to restart PG from square one and re-authorize my applications. Is it as simple as pressing the "reset to default" and re-authorizing all my program applications. Do I need to delete the programs listed on the Security tab? Thanks in advance,
  2. FirePost

    FirePost Registered Member

    Jul 29, 2005
    Yes. Just reset and go learning mode just as if you had freshly installed.
  3. jim28277

    jim28277 Registered Member

    Apr 4, 2005
    Charlotte, NC
    Thank you. Do I need to delete/remove applications from the security tab?
  4. Gavin - DiamondCS

    Gavin - DiamondCS Former DCS Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Perth, Western Australia
    I'd suggest you do, but you should then immediately put PG in LEARNING MODE and reboot once. This will allow it to learn startup programs (and protect them)

    Then just run all your programs you want to protect, once each while under learning mode. It isn't really necessary to run everything, I suggest security programs plus anything which has firewall access. PG will protect them all.

    Once out of Learning Mode, run and "always allow" all your other programs, perhaps make a few adjustments as they start needing access.
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