Battlefield2 problem - any BF2 players

Discussion in 'LnS English Forum' started by Iangh, Nov 18, 2005.

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  1. Iangh

    Iangh Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    My son has just upgraded from Battlefield2 Demo to the full game.

    Demo played ok under enhanced ruleset no problem.

    Installed full game and you can get to the online games via either Gamespy or menu option on BF2. He used either method for the demo, as well.

    To play the game online via Gamespy I had to quit LNS and then managed to get logged on to game servers. Strangley, having made a connection without LNS active I can now connect when LNS is active.

    However, via BF2 menu option I can get a connection after quitting LNS as per Gamespy. Unfortunately, when I turn on LNS I get a 'error binding to socket' message and he is unable to logon to the game servers.

    Any BF2 fans know what rule is causing this. I've followed these instructions but still get the error.

  2. Iangh

    Iangh Registered Member

    Jul 13, 2005
    Melbourne, Australia
    It's not the internet filtering that is causing the problem but the application filtering.

    So, with internet filtering ON and App Filtering ON I get the connecting to socket error.

    With App Filtering OFF and Internet Filtering ON all is fine.

    Any ideas?
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