AVG Free update failing

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by _ab, Aug 29, 2008.

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  1. _ab

    _ab Registered Member

    Aug 2, 2007

    since a few days, the update will fail. After repeatedly trying it will go through, reporting that a new version is available. After clicking "update" once more, a lot of new sigs & files are listed in the popup, but AVG will fail to update those files. Has anyone an idea, what´s wrong?

    Besides of that, why can´t AVG Free be configured to make automatic updates, instead of making daily updates manually?
  2. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    _ab, patience my friend. What's wrong is: everyone in the world is trying to download updates (and the new program version) before Aug. 31st and the AVG servers are overloaded. The AVG Free servers are slow anyway and the rush is not helping. Give it another day and everything should be fine.

    AVG, by default, is configured to make automatic updates, not manual ones. While you wait to update (in a day or so), read the AVG Anti-Virus Free Edition 8.0 User Manual on how to make sure that AVG is updating automatically.
  3. _ab

    _ab Registered Member

    Aug 2, 2007
    Thank you for the tips, i will wait a couple of days. I will also read in the manual, how to enable the automatic updates.
  4. jrmhng

    jrmhng Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2007
    I know it is a free version however having the free server crash looks quite bad. It actually affects the security of a computer if you cant be up to date. I'm using AVG Free right now for an extended trial. I was considering buying it until this. I may go with another product.
  5. Fajo

    Fajo Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008

    Its not just AVG dude.. alot of company's have this happen. free servers are just that free. its the company paying for something and really geting nothing back in return so they are a lower priority then the paid servers and rightfully so honestly. the company has to watch its bottom line also to stay competitive yes it sucks. but hey you are getting them for free at no cost and constant updates. no one has anything to complain about. IMO no right to complain if you are not one that is paying for it in the first place.

    Don't judge a company over its free products. judge it over the QUALITY of them. and AVG along with many others do a damn good job.
  6. jrmhng

    jrmhng Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2007
    There are two kinds of users when it comes to the free AV's; the ones who are using it as a freebie and those who are using it as a trial. For the latter group, the compnay will get something in return if they can convert a free user to a sale.

    Also, I'd make the distinction between a feature limited free version and a free version that is not functioning properly.

    If they distinguished the free and paid product by, for example, not having the spyware engine and it is clearly stated in their website, fine. If they are distinguishing the free from paid by shoving the free users onto a slow server that is prone to crash, that is a different story. To have free users at higher risk because they are two days behind in updates is just sloppy.
  7. Fajo

    Fajo Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008

    For the people using the free product as a trial consider using the Trail version of the Paid most company will give you a Trail and even extend its key out 90 Days if needed. as stated before Why should a company have to dish out extra cash constantly on a services they are offering for free. its like the end user is just being greedy.

    There time there effort and the fact of the cost of what it takes to develop and maintain a product like this deserves something. when it comes to the free end of things. I don't expect a company to put a whole lot of time in effort into something where 80% of the people using the free edition will never use anything more. I give credit to the company's that offer free Versions of there software to people who cant afford it or just want something that is better then nothing. but people who expect everything what the paid user gets should honestly get a reality check.

    You want better pay for it. you want to see what the paid version is trail it. other then that I see no reason for anyone to complain about them. its a FREE product with Free UPDATES. Quit complaining about something that just plain and simply costs you nothing. :D

    This is just IMO. not here to start a rant. just to state the facts if its free its free. you ether enjoy it or leave it in the end you invested nothing but 5 min of your time installing or uninstalling it.
  8. jrmhng

    jrmhng Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2007
    It's about expectations. They have set up the expectation that in terms of protection from viruses and spyware, the free and paid users are on equal footing. Had they clearly stated on their website that free users are on a poor server and you may not be able to update as well as regular users. The problem is that they have not communicated this and have left users less protected than they had expected.

    Put another way, they have set up the expectation that for the price $0, you get service level of x. It shouldn't matter if it is free. I should still expect to get x lever of service.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2008
  9. Fajo

    Fajo Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    You are getting service level X welcome to the reality check that free is not as good as paid. that's the way it should be IMO. :D if I got no bonus such as a Guarantee that I can download updates on the fly or that my service wont be interrupted. then whats the point in handing out the $$. there has to be a higher level of service for Paid.. its what is EXPECTED. and free should get the 2nd priority. that's in other words why I paid for it because I want them to continue to make a awesome product. and reap the benefits of supporting them.
  10. jrmhng

    jrmhng Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2007
    Free is already not as good as paid in the sense that it is feature limited. That is fine as they have been specified on the website. Where does it say on their website that there will be slower updates for the free versions to the point that during program updates the free version will 2 days behind?
  11. Fajo

    Fajo Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    Easy Answer


    It spells AVG. :D
  12. jrmhng

    jrmhng Registered Member

    Nov 4, 2007
    Oh that was so obvious, why didnt I see it in the first place :p
  13. robinb

    robinb Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    how come you have Aviria over AVG since you are saying you like AVg?
    just curious

  14. robinb

    robinb Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    Actually, AVG gives you a lot more than most for their free version. Aviria is about the only other one that gives you a lot for its free version too. The only fault i have is if the update services are bogged down and the update is failing you might think "Why would I want to purchase the pro version if I cannot get the free version to update"?. This is a bad marketing tool if you are trying to get your customers to go pro if the free version has problems.

  15. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    IMO, AVG came up with a half-baked program in version 8.0 to begin with, and incorporating their former anti-spyware software plus the LinkScanner feature into the AV, just compounded the problem.

    What is truly amazing is that AVG allowed their Free version 8.0 users to become BETA testers for them, and while the Paid 8.0 version quickly received the fixes found by the free users, they allowed the free 8.0 users to wallow in the mud, with horrendous issues, and without timely updates.

    AVG even managed to upset webmasters by creating fake traffic, skewing vital servers' data, via the LinkScanner and then had to retreat, when that community howled in protest, finally allowing a user to choose whether or not they wanted that feature installed.

    In the meantime, AVG 7.5 Free users would get daily pop-ups, warning them that the program was about to expire, forcing more users to switch to 8.0, acerbating the feelings of these users when they encounter huge problems.

    In the end, as evidenced in their forums, many found other AV alternatives and switched to Avira & Avast. To AVG's credit, their last 8.0.169 version fixes most of the issues discovered during this arduous process, yet AVG lost stature in the eyes of many users, who will never pay for the troubles AVG put them through. Will AVG recover? Perhaps, but only time will tell.
  16. Fajo

    Fajo Registered Member

    Jun 13, 2008
    Because Avira fits me. just because I don't choose a product does not mean it sucks. I just found what works for my Family and me, and I go with it. Avira is that choice.

    AVG along with many others are darn good AV's. there is a few crappy ones (as I refer to them dead beat AV's) but overall its all preference.
  17. GES/POR

    GES/POR Registered Member

    Nov 26, 2006
    Well my problem with avg is that it auto updates without my knowledge even though ive set it in the adv. options 2 ask for confirmation.
  18. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    GES/POR, did you set AVG 8.0 to update manually... or automatically at a particular time schedule?

    The problem with setting AVG updates is that there are 3 areas involved in this process:

    Update Manager Component
    Tools > Advanced settings > Update
    Tools > Advanced settings > Schedules > Program update schedule

    And depending on what you check/uncheck, if you get a component error/warning:

    Tools > Advanced Settings > Ignore faulty conditions

    I have set mine to update manually and so when I see an AVG Update Alert here at Wilders, I click the Update Now button.
  19. robinb9

    robinb9 Registered Member

    Apr 3, 2006
    The popup was a mixed marketing tool for AVG. Many of my clients who had the free avg 7.5 read this popup as if to say the free version was being discontinued and they had to purchase the pro or not get AVG 8 at all. It was believed that there was not going to be a free version and 3 of my clients (without talking to me first) just went and purchased it thinking they had no choice.

    I did not like the way they did this. I think it was a misrepresentation of trying to sell a program. I like the program and I feel they did this type of marketing all wrong.

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