AV without NET framework?

Discussion in 'other anti-virus software' started by Melf, Apr 7, 2012.

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  1. Melf

    Melf Registered Member

    Sep 7, 2010
    Hi guys, for some reason I seem to get a lot of system performance problems every time I attempt to install something use .NET framework v4 (I think maybe there was a corrupted install/uninstall some time in the past).

    Does anyone know of any AVs, preferably lightweight, that either doesn't use .NET, or uses NET 3.5 (which comes bundled with Win 7).

    Running Win 7 64-bit. Thanks.
  2. Feandur

    Feandur Registered Member

    Jun 15, 2005
    [1] I'm running Online Armour Firewall + Emsisoft Anti-Malware on Windows 7 Home Premium, with default .NET installed and patched. [.NET v4 is definitely not installed]. http://www.emsisoft.com/en/software/

    [2] As far as I know Avast and Panda Cloud have good detection, and a smaller RAM footprint than say Avira free.... However both have serious bugs that are gradually being addressed. Latest versions of Panda Cloud and Avast seem to solve some of those issues.

    [3] If .NET continues to play-up, may have to consider removing with the removal tool......
    A special tool is available to roll back/ uninstall dotNET installs....Tool and User guide is referenced here........
    Which links to here......dotNET cleanup tool and Users Guide......

    [4] Have always installed .NET updates offline by downloading the installer and disconnecting from the internet - and just as well, since on old machines the installer will sometimes hang for many minutes before deciding to do anything....

    [5] “Windows Secrets” has a regular “Patch Watch” relating to M$ Patch Tuesday , run by Susan Bradley. See link below. It is worth checking for issues & problems, especially .NET updates .......... http://windowssecrets.com/forums/showthread.php/137568-Cleaning-up-after-massive-Patch-Tuesday

    hope this helps?

  3. blacknight

    blacknight Registered Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    Europe, UE citizen
    Just to understand: I run XP 32 bit and I used a lot of AVs WITHOUT need the NET FR. - ?
  4. sg09

    sg09 Registered Member

    Jul 11, 2009
    Kolkata, India
    All major AVs don't require you to have .Net Framework.
  5. Melf

    Melf Registered Member

    Sep 7, 2010
    Thanks Feandur, I'll give Emsi a shot.

    I've tried the NET v4 removal tool, but still have some errors relating to a "shim" database (whatever that is) pointing at a non-existent NET v4 directory.

    I tried Avast 7, but I'm pretty sure it uses NET v4 because my computer kept crashing, system restore wouldn't fix and I had to restore an image to make it stop :S
  6. The Shadow

    The Shadow Registered Member

    Jan 24, 2012
    Melf, I highly recommend Panda Cloud AV...

    • No AV is lighter on resources!
    • No need for .NET Stinky!
    • No cost (it's free)!
    • No brainer!
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2012
  7. Melf

    Melf Registered Member

    Sep 7, 2010
    Will give that a shot too, thanks. I feel weird about relying on cloud analysis though.
  8. pegr

    pegr Registered Member

    Apr 8, 2008
    No need to worry about cloud analysis. Providing you've got an active Internet connection (not necessarily high-speed broadband), cloud analysis has the following advantages: -

    1. The definitions are held on the server, so always up to date as no need to regularly download large numbers of malware definitions to the local host.

    2. The overall bandwith usage is likely to be no higher than, and probably less than, with a conventional AV. What is uploaded to the server are sets of behavioural characteristics extracted from executables running on the local host (not the files themselves).

    3. The main work of checking is done on the server not the local host, freeing up the local host for other tasks and generally leading to lower resource requirements when compared to a conventional AV.

    Even when the Internet connection is down, behavioural analysis will still be taking place by the agent on the local host. As soon as the Internet connection is restored, a summary will be uploaded to the server for checking.

    If cloud AVs are of interest and you don't mind paying then it might be worth checking out Webroot SecureAnywhere as well. My understanding is that it is coded entirely in native C without the use of libraries and runs extremely light.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2012
  9. Brummelchen

    Brummelchen Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    why are you not going to repair the main problem - or uninstall - reinstall windows?

    if its not the av it may any other app which needs framework v4.
    framework v4 is anytime used if framework is used, there is no option on 3.5 when v4 is installed.
  10. Melf

    Melf Registered Member

    Sep 7, 2010
    Hrmm ok, that actually makes it sound pretty good. I'll give Panda and WSA a whirl. Not too fussed about the connection dropping since I'll only do periodic scans, not run in real time. Makes sense re: the bandwidth, since with non-cloud you have to download the definitions for every malware in the universe, as opposed to just uploading the ones that are on your computer.

    Reinstalling windows and all my applications would be a massive PITA when there are other alternatives that won't require me to. You're right about any other app that uses .NET v4, it's not just security apps I've noticed, e.g. games too. When something comes along that I absolutely must have that uses .NET v4 I'll reformat, but until then I can't be bothered.

    I'm not a huge fan of .NET in general. A game I play runs on v3.5 and actually has a warning in its FAQ that having v4 installed can cause various mysterious crash problems with the game.
  11. blacknight

    blacknight Registered Member

    Sep 25, 2007
    Europe, UE citizen

    Really. For this I didn't understand the answer of this thread.
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