Any opinion of CA firewall?

Discussion in 'other firewalls' started by kl67, Dec 28, 2005.

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  1. kl67

    kl67 Guest

    I was considering the purchase of Computer Associates firewall and was wondering if anyone has tried it and know if it's any good? How does it compare to something like ZA in features and ease of use? Know if it has ad blocking? Thanks very much for any help.
  2. unhappy_viewer

    unhappy_viewer Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    In terms of the protection you are getting, it should be the same as ZA since it uses the True Vector Engine from Zone Labs. The only difference between ZA and CA firewall is the UI. I don't know which would be more user-friendly though.

    Its the same as ZA Pro except that it doesn't have the privacy features(ad-blocking, cookie-blocking etc) and the new features of ZA Pro v6 (since its still using version 5.5 engine) which are the OSFirewall and antispyware scanning module.
  3. timcan

    timcan Registered Member

    Dec 15, 2005
    Can someone give a link to this?I would think it will be closer related to tiny since CA owns tiny software.
  4. unhappy_viewer

    unhappy_viewer Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2005
    If you check CA's firewall feature, you'd noticed that the features advertised is promoted in a similar way to those advertised by ZL. But the dead giveaway is the Mailsafe feature:

    You can also search through CA's ETrust Firewall knowledge base site and search for document ID 72. You will notice that their versions follow the exact same version numbers as ZA most noticably the last two unsupported versions which are version 3.7, 4.5. On their store page, you will see eTrust Firewall is at 5.5 which was ZA's last major version before 6.0.

    I think also that any eTrust Firewall can vouch also that most probably vsmon.exe(Zl's true Vector engine) is running in the background.

    Even though CA acquired Tiny Software, there is a reciprocal deal between CA and ZL. The deal is that ZA will use CA's VET engine in their AV while CA will use ZL's True Vector Engine in their ETrust firewall line. The deal seems to be on indefinitely.
  5. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    The CA firewall does have ad blocking and cookie and animated ad blocking. I use the CA firewall every once in a while and really like it.
  6. timcan

    timcan Registered Member

    Dec 15, 2005
    Thanks unhappy_viewer for that reply. The etrust is much cheaper than za also.
  7. Albinoni

    Albinoni Registered Member

    Feb 17, 2005
    Perth, Western Australia
    My Q here is isn't technically and overall the ZA Pro FW more advanced and offers more, as I dont think ZA would sell the same FW to CA but thought some added extras might be removed.
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