AdAware and TDS-3

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by FanJ, Apr 24, 2002.

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  1. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    I guess you might have read in the Privacy-forum-parts about Radlight that tries to remove AdAware-files.
    You can also read over there about some programs by which you can be warned in case AdAware files are changed/removed.
    TDS-3 gives you another possibility:
    just add the AdAware files which you want to be monitored in the file CRCFILES.txt of TDS-3.
    The CRC-feature of TDS-3 will then warn you in case those are changed/removed.
    But keep in mind that this is not a real-time monitoring.
    You can start the CRC-feature any time yourself while TDS-3 is running.

    To add files in CRCFILES.txt:
    In TDS-3:
    TDS > Edit Config Text Files > crcfiles.txt > Open
    Then Notepad opens CRCFILES.txt and you can add the files you want. You have to put the files there with their full path. Don't forget to save the file after that.
  2. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Yes, that is a very valuable tip Jan, thanks!
    It's your area of specialism. Did you also post this tip or thread in that forum? Think it's real good one. Will give you the honor to post that there yourself!
  3. Technodrome

    Technodrome Security Expert

    Feb 13, 2002
    New York
    Another one: :D

    If you use ADinf Integrity Checker you will be inform about possible file changes as well!!!!

  4. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi TD,

    Yes  :D
    I just installed last weekend the trial version of Adinf32.
    I have to play more with it, but so far I do like it !!!

    For those who do not know Adinf: it is from the same company that sells the anti-virus program DrWeb. Adinf is not free.

    BTW: NISFileCheck can also warn you about changes with respect to files that are in its database. I have posted about it in the NISFileCheck forum-part of this board  ;)
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