Windows update problem

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Rainwalker, Nov 12, 2005.

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  1. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    I have turned off all AC......i have allowed everything with AC.........get as far as MS showing me the security update i need, but when i attempt to install, it fails...........i have no idea why........i do have indexing turned it needed for updating.......if not, any thoughts ?
  2. dog

    dog Guest

    If you can access the site and DL the patches, the two services that are required are enabled (BITS) Background Intelligent Transfer Service and Automatic Updates. ;) It sounds if something is blocking exe from running. ;) Are you using PG or AE (Anti-Executable) or something along those lines?

    BTW what is AC?
  3. ronjor

    ronjor Global Moderator

    Jul 21, 2003
    That should speed up your computer. :)
  4. Franklin

    Franklin Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    West Aussie
    Found this at MG's a while back-
    Fix Windows updates.Start -> Run and then type in regsvr32 MSXML3.dll then click-on OK. Next restart your computer, and then retry windows update.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 12, 2005
  5. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    @ dog..thanks again...i had forgotten i had turned off BITS a while back.................AC is Active Content e.g. cookies.. Java active x.. etc. :)
    @ ronjor.........yes, that be the reason it's off ;)
    @ Franklin........interesting...will keep info in mind......are you saying i don't have to use I.E. for their updates :doubt: thank you...
  6. dog

    dog Guest

    Rainwalker, I would caution you on that link. I don't know much about it myself but I have requested the opinions of others. M$ is fairly picky about being the only source for updates, so I'm not sure of the legality of it.
  7. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    Got it.......i'll stay away
  8. dog

    dog Guest

    The link in question has been removed for the following reasons and won't be returning:

    1- Bypasses the M$ Genuine Advantage Check {check against known warez keys} = TOS
    2- Virus Code available on the same domain = TOS

    Also not recommended because ...

    1- Not Autorized by Microsoft (possible legal issue)
    2- The plugin has some security issues
    3- Other Third party Issues :
    * The possiblity of modified code; which maybe altered by the third party
    * No guarantee of delivery of product


  9. AvianFlux

    AvianFlux Registered Member

    Dec 7, 2004
    I've always been able to retrieve updates without Automatic Update or BITS turned on in the past. For some reason it wouldn't function as it has over the last couple of days, but then started worked again this morning. Now, it's not working again. o_O

    Updates can be downloaded manually from MS Security Bulletin Search when the auto update fails to perform.
  10. Franklin

    Franklin Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    West Aussie
  11. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    Yo dog, you the man!!
  12. 62nds

    62nds Guest

    Hi all,

    According to Microsoft's Terms and Conditions, WindizUpdate cannot host any security updates that originate from the Microsoft Website; and we don't. Before any of the updates it suggests are downloaded, you are able to verify for yourself the origin of every download.

    The plugin has two unresolved errors that may cause the browser to crash - these errors are not security related. There are no known security issues with the current plugin, but there was with the very first release.

    Our site was running long before the Genuine Advantage check was compulsory. If we are asked by Microsoft to provide a similar system, then we will comply.

    The site is not authorized by Microsoft. There is no attempt to deceive - the site does not look like an MS site; there is also a message at the bottom of every page.

    As stated on the site, full source code to everything on the Update site is available on request. However, since this is not Open Source software, your rights to redistribute it and/or profit from our work are very limited.

    Our only aim with the site is to show that MS could invest in 6 weeks work for a small team to produce the update facility for non-MS browsers. When they do, our mission is complete, and the site will be closed.

    The site is clearly a not-for-profit site. There are no advertisements and no requests for donations or fees. The site or plugin does not install any form of malware.

    The parent site does contain [old] virus source code. The aim is to show how easy it is to create a virus. But we do not have a step-by-step guide to writing viruses, and no one has ever had their how-do-I-write-a-virsus email answered. The pages clearly indicate that these are real samples - but they are only text files, and if they remain as .TXT files, they will cause absolutely NO damage to your computer.
  13. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    Thank you for responding....he who :ninja:
  14. Franklin

    Franklin Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    West Aussie
    Yo 62nds,you the man.
    As for Dog's No2-The plugin has some security issues,and IE hasn't.Had a chuckle at that one.
  15. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
  16. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    There is still the matter of the Genuine advantage check that Microsoft spent man hours and resources to develop and have as a must have to access and download updates from them. I am quite sure that they do not and would not permit such access to their updates as from the site in question. They did not create the advantage check just so another site can bypass that verification check and allow the updates to anyone who might be running a Pirated version of windows. In my opinion this type of software should be classifed as Warez as its main function is to bypass Microsofts safe guards against piracy.
  17. 62nds

    62nds Guest

    Any ActiveX control downloaded from the Internet should be classified as Highly Dangerous, (whether signed or not); it is EXACTLY the same for every downloaded plugin for the non-MSIE browsers.

    We recommend that you don't trust our site, or take our word for it. We want you to prove it for yourself.

    Make sure your virus scanner and anti-malware software is up to date -- If the plugin falls into any of these categories, it has been around for a while - it will be caught by the software.

    * For those familar with SysInternals excellent products (Regmon and Filemon), you're welcome to monitor exactly what our software does.

    * For those familar with packet tracing software, such as Ethereal (very good product), you can monitor the traffic to/from the server - we have chosen not to encrypt it.

    * Take an old/blank computer that is isolated from your network, run the software and compare what it has found to the MS site. Take a snap-shot of the filesystem, before and after, examine the changes: no malware. period.

    Microsoft knows that the site exists. They are still letting us operate.
  18. 62nds

    62nds Guest

    You may be correct, it could be classified as "warez", along with any other site that provides information about how to disable WGA - but that is not the aim of the site.

    We don't have any "warez" available for download, and we do not provide any information about any of the numerous methods that can be used to disable WGA.

    The aim is simply to show there is no justifable reason why the update function should be restricted to just brand of web browser.
  19. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    I agree that other browsers should be able to access Windows update, But the reality of the situation is that Microsoft owns the update site and licenses the use of the Windows operating system and they do require that you run the valadation check before being able to use their update site. And by providing a site that makes software available to bypass their windows validation you are in direct conflict with their policy. Trying to show them that they need to allow other browsers to access their update site by providing a way to get around their valadation procedure is definatly not the way to go in my opinion.
  20. AvianFlux

    AvianFlux Registered Member

    Dec 7, 2004
    I reset Windows Update and BIT to Automatic, and tried Windows Update service again, this time it worked. Maybe they were set to Automatic all along when I thought they were disabled. The reason for the confusion is Windows Security Center has a 'Automatic Updates' turn on/off setting that is turned off, while the Automatic Update service is set to Automatic, or 'turned on'. :rolleyes:
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2005
  21. Franklin

    Franklin Registered Member

    May 12, 2005
    West Aussie
    BigC,IMHO anyone owning XP prior to validation is not subject to such.How does MS check.They can't.So by rights they can't impose new laws after the fact.
  22. 62nds

    62nds Guest

    A quote from the Microsoft site (
    Sorry, with the content we provide, I don't believe we breach their policy.
  23. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma
    If you had XP before validation you still have to validate or you won't be allowed to use the update site. All XP computers must validate to use it.
  24. bigc73542

    bigc73542 Retired Moderator

    Sep 21, 2003
    SW. Oklahoma

    According to their terms of use you do go against their policy

    The Software is made available for download solely for use by end users according to the License Agreement. Any reproduction or redistribution of the Software not in accordance with the License Agreement is expressly prohibited by law, and may result in severe civil and criminal penalties. Violators will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible.WITHOUT LIMITING THE FOREGOING, COPYING OR REPRODUCTION OF THE SOFTWARE TO ANY OTHER SERVER OR LOCATION FOR FURTHER REPRODUCTION OR REDISTRIBUTION IS EXPRESSLY PROHIBITED, UNLESS SUCH REPRODUCTION OR REDISTRIBUTION IS EXPRESSLY PERMITTED BY THE LICENSE AGREEMENT ACCOMPANYING SUCH SOFTWARE. »
  25. 62nds

    62nds Guest

    There are numerous sites that have copies of the security patches on their servers for public download; we do not. We do, however, provide direct links to the downloads on the microsoft server.

    There are no copies or reproductions of the software on our server. If there was, MS has a valid reason to shut us down.
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