Windows Repair Toolbox (1.0 BETA )

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by ArchiveX, Feb 19, 2015.

  1. ArchiveX

    ArchiveX Registered Member

    Apr 7, 2014
    Windows Repair Toolbox (1.0 BETA)

    (Almost) everything you need to repair Windows problems in one small handy tool.

    Windows Repair Toolbox (freeware) is a software that aim to help making the process of repairing Windows, faster, easier and uniform.


    - Download and run "on-the-fly" the best free portable software when it comes to diagnose and solve several kinds of Windows problems. The tools are categorized by their function, and the program will automatically download the correct version for the Windows edition in which you're working. When you finish, simply uninstall the tool, and all downloaded software it's also removed.
    Note: there are 6 tools that aren't portable, those are marked with an [ i ] (stands for "installer").

    - Displays relevant information about the computer to be repaired: CPU temperature, name and % of use; amount of RAM installed on the system and % of use; amount of free space left in C:\ partition; Windows edition and install date;

    - Allows you to perform quality assurance tests after the repair is complete;

    - Allows you to save notes about the repair process;

    - Provides 1-click access to some useful Windows tools (chkdsk, sfc, regedit, msconfig);

    - "Unattended fix" option, automatically performs: malware removal, system cleaning and repair and disk defragment. A email letting you know that the automatic repair is complete, and containing the logs, can be sent to you.

    Requirements: .NET Framework 4, internet connection, Windows XP to 8.1.

    **direct download links removed**

    webpage here

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Feb 20, 2015
  2. guest

    guest Guest

    Windows Repair Toolbox v1.9.1.0 (08.08.2017)
    wrt-1.jpg wrt-2.jpg
  3. guest

    guest Guest

    Windows Repair Toolbox v2.0.1.0 (08.02.2018)
    Requirements: .NET Framework 4, internet connection, Windows XP to 10.
  4. JoWazzoo

    JoWazzoo Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Anyone here actually tried this? I love to try new things. I hate borking my machine with same.
  5. TairikuOkami

    TairikuOkami Registered Member

    Oct 10, 2005
    I can not imagine my PC without it, instead of installing dozens apps (hardware/security related) I just use this and run them from within the interface. Custom tools for not listed apps.

    Attached Files:

  6. guest

    guest Guest

    Yep, it is useful to have a whole bunch of tools in one place. Especially the portable version which can be copied to an USB stick (including all downloaded tools)
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 18, 2018
  7. jadinolf

    jadinolf Registered Member

    Sep 2, 2006
    Southern California
    Gonna give it a try.
    Wish me luck.:D
  8. JoWazzoo

    JoWazzoo Registered Member

    Nov 11, 2008
    Now I better understand what it does. Will definitely give it a try. Thanks
  9. trott3r

    trott3r Registered Member

    Jan 21, 2010
    Looks interesting downloaded and now playing with it.
  10. Bob D

    Bob D Registered Member

    Apr 18, 2005
    Mass., USA
  11. JohnBurns

    JohnBurns Registered Member

    Jul 4, 2004
    Oklahoma City
    Thanks Archivex for the post and info - appreciate it.
  12. guest

    guest Guest

    Windows Repair Toolbox v3.0.0.1 Released (02.04.2018)
    Requirements: .NET Framework 4, internet connection, Windows XP to 10.

    - WRT will now check if the tools have new versions available. If yes, it will ask if you want to download it, otherwise it will immediately run the existing copy.

    - The “Download All” button on the Settings tab has been replaced with an “Update All” button. Instead of deleting all the downloads, and then download everything again; it will only download the tools that still haven’t been downloaded and update those that are outdated.

    - Several improvements to the management of the downloads have been made.

    - The portable version of Windows Repair Toolbox is now the main version for download in the website.

    - The “Reset To Defaults” function, in the "Settings" tab, has been simplified, and will now not affect anything in the “Custom Tools” tab.

    - Fixed an error that would sometimes occur with some tools when changing WRT from a 64-bits OS to a 32-bits OS ("The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform").

    - Fixed: some tools would keep a copy of their previous versions after being updated.

    - Replaced “BATExpert” with “BateryInfoView”.

    - Replaced “Check Flash” with the built-in “Windows Memory Diagnostics” (for the sake of completeness of the hardware section, that was missing a RAM diagnostic tool).

    - Replaced “Don’t Sleep” with “DDU” (Display Driver Uninstaller).

    - Several other minor improvements and fixes.

    If you're using a previous version of WRT it's recommended that you uninstall it / delete it before changing to this new version.
    In order to save your customizations (icon, title, added programs, custom.xml...), just backup the following folders:

    Windows_Repair_Toolbox\Downloads\Custom Tools

    ...and restore them to the same locations afterwards
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 2, 2018
  13. guest

    guest Guest

    Windows Repair Toolbox v3.0.0.3 Released (01.05.2018)
  14. guest

    guest Guest

    Windows Repair Toolbox v3.0.0.5 Released (09.06.2018)
    - Expanded the capabilities of the backup / restore customization's functionality: besides the "Branding" settings and the custom.xml file, it can now backup all the tools added to the "Custom Tools" tab. This allows you to quickly restore your customization's after downloading a new version of the program, or to more easily deploy those same customization's into other copy of WRT.
    - Fixed: if the "AVLeftovers" window was closed in the middle of a scan (so, without the "Stop" button being clicked first), that scan would continue to run in the background, and an informative window would be displayed at the end.
    - Fixed: an error that prevented a customization's backup to be saved to the root of the Windows Repair Toolbox directory (there are however, some sub-folders inside the Windows Repair Toolbox directory where the backup cannot be saved, that's intended).
    - Fixed: a rare circumstance would still result in an "Root element is missing" error message at the program startup, or when manually checking for updates.

    - Added the ability to backup / restore the customization's added to the program.
    - Fixed the "Stress Test" download, in the "Final Tests" tab.
    - Some other internal improvements and fixes.
  15. guest

    guest Guest

    Windows Repair Toolbox v3.0.0.8 Released (28.07.2018)

    - Added a search box to the "Custom Tools" tab.
    - Removed "AOMEI" and "Malwarebytes", and added "Don't Sleep" and "Dr.Web CureIt!". Thanks to @TairikuOkami for suggesting Dr.Web CureIt! on a previous post. All the tools included in the toolbox are now portable.
    - Fixed: the "Fahrenheit" setting wasn't being saved in the portable version of WRT - after closing and opening the program it would go back to Celsius.
    - Fixed: the tooltips of the "Diagnosis" and the "Report" buttons.


    - Refactored the code behind the download and execution of the tools, in order to reduce the dependency and number of calls to the definitions file.
    - The file "Windows_Repair_Toolbox (fast start, no monitors).bat", that is in the same directory as Windows_Repair_Toolbox.exe and that starts WRT in a fail-safe mode, can now be executed from UNC paths.
    - Adapted the download of "FastCopy" to the changes in the packaging of that application that were brought by its latest version, released yesterday (version 3.52). WRT automates all the steps that are now required to use that program as a portable application.
    - Replaced "Webroot System Analyzer" with "Kaspersky System Checker" ("Diagnosis" button, in the "Useful Tools" section; and "Analysis" button, in the "Final Tests" tab), because this last one offers a more comprehensive diagnosis / analysis of the system.


    The only purpose of this update was to reduce the size of program package. This was done by replacing Notepad++ (used to edit the custom.xml file in the "Custom Tools" tab) with ATPad, a smaller editor. With this replacement it was possible to reduce the size of the package from 4.16 MB to 2.56 MB, without loosing any functionalities.
  16. guest

    guest Guest

    Windows Repair Toolbox v3.0.1.0 Released (03.09.2018)

    ### Added
    - The tooltip of the linklabel "OS", at the bottom of the first tab, will now additionally display the following information about the computer:
    . The local IPV4 Address and the network interface type in use;
    . The default DNS Server name (if available);
    . The DNS server address;
    . The computer hostname;
    . The current domain (or hostname, if not part of a domain) and username.


    - Added a false positive alert before the download of the tool "Zoek" (located in the "Tools" tab > "Repairs" section).

    ### Changed
    - The information whether the BitLocker protection is activated or not is now refreshed every time the respective tooltip is shown, instead of being collected at the program startup and remaining static.
    - Several other minor improvements.


    - The +info label will now inform if Bitlocker is protecting the system volume [Windows 7 and higher, and limited to the editions where Bitlocker is available].
    - Added some keyboard actions meant to make the utilization easier in some parts of the program. E.g.: "Enter" key in the "Custom tools" listbox will execute the selected program, "Escape" key will return the focus to the search box, "Down arrow" will change the focus from the search box to the listbox, and more.
    - A Changelog for the current version of the program is now available from the "About" tab (by clicking the version number).

    - In the "Final Tests" tab, the "SSL Test" has been replaced with an "Email" test. This will open the program that is set as the default email client on the computer (if any). If it succeeds, and if an email account is configured, it will give the option to send an email to an echo mailer service (
    at the University of Vienna), in order to test if it's sending and receiving.

    - There will be far fewer cases where the +info label will present the information: "Could not retrieve more information about the drive".
    What was happening is that the "Could not retrieve more information about the drive" message was shown even when only one information was missing. Now the program will individualize what is not available (by stating "[Information not available]"), and will still display the rest of the information, as shown below:

    - Many times the program could not determine whether the computer was using BIOS or UEFI, and therefore would not display that information. That should now be an exceptional occurrence.
    - The "Reset to Defaults" button wasn't restoring the default "Hide About tab" setting, nor restoring the exhibition of the temperature from Fahrenheit to Celsius.
    - The "DrWeb" download wasn't deleting the previous version of the program when downloading a newer one.

    Several other minor improvements and fixes.
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