which multi-boot

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by mikeo1313, Oct 6, 2008.

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  1. mikeo1313

    mikeo1313 Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    I've read a couple posts. Pretty much I don't got time for tedius particular os install procedures, configuring files or dos commands. In the past I've been able to dual/tri boot different Ms os's without a problem and have monkeyed around with partition software a bit without problems.

    Now I pretty much just want something simple & solid. My immediate plans aren't to have a ton of different OS's but want a package thats robust and handles this task well.

    Generally I'll be starting with a Vista OS and/or XP os. Might follow with some linux, BSD or whatever.

    *I don't want to have to deal with a boot menu that can't handle change or craps out when put to the test.

    *I want a program that has some type of recovery mechanism/cd JIK things go wrong and the boot menu flakes, security, NON-OS dependant.

    *Password protect & renaming the OS items in the menu.

    *I did read through some posts that IMO really didn't address all these concerns, though this discussion was good. Also I visited arconis boot manager & bootit pages, but theres only so much you can get from reading someones particular problem and product descriptions. No, I'd like to not have to trial and rather ask since I know what I want, so I can choose right the first time and get it over with, if need be I'll buy and don't care if its free and/or bloatware.

    *solidarity, a product that will be around and does updates JIK any future peculiarities can only be addressed by code correction.

    From the 2 product pages I like the keyword "non-destructable" and the add-on's bootit package has (though I doubt I can appreciate the extra complication). In the arconis page I liked the fact that it atleast hinted to all the functionality I seek though it didn't explicitly express it the way I did.

    Comments / suggestions appreciated. Thank you for your time!
    Last edited: Oct 7, 2008
  2. whitedragon551

    whitedragon551 Registered Member

    Sep 30, 2008
  3. Sully

    Sully Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2005
    You can use grub4dos, which can then boot into pretty much any folder on any drive. For example you could install xp on drive 1, vista on drive 2 and ubuntu on drive 3. Since drive 1 will boot first usually, grub4dos loads, and then your menu asks which to boot into. It is pretty easy to do with lots of examples around. You can then put the grub and menu.lst on each hdd. You can also put it on a cd or usb stick and boot using those.

    I don't know of a more simplistic approach. You just install your OS's, and build a menu.lst file. It is pretty easy to build the menus as well IMO.

  4. Mrkvonic

    Mrkvonic Linux Systems Expert

    May 9, 2005
    I'd say, go with GRUB ...
    I even have a tutorial that can help ...
  5. Pedro

    Pedro Registered Member

    Nov 2, 2006
    There's also GAG:

    I use Grub myself, but from your description, GAG is an alternative.
    I tried it in a VM, and it's easy to work with.

    The only problem i can think of, is when you reinstall Windows. You would need to reinstall whatever bootloader you use.
  6. whitedragon551

    whitedragon551 Registered Member

    Sep 30, 2008
    Which is what Easy BCD does. It makes back ups and can restore those with a click of a button. EBCD is a GUI interface for all of the above.
  7. MrBrian

    MrBrian Registered Member

    Feb 24, 2008
  8. mikeo1313

    mikeo1313 Registered Member

    Jun 22, 2006
    Its pages like those that I'll do nothing more then glance through. Very long ago PC tools was great, IMO it was the best, that I remember, thank you for the informative reference.

    I don't want to deal with a Vista bootloader program.

    Grub looks VERY interesting on the same token grub 2, extra promising. Hopefully grub 2 will get to the point of furthering development to not propose asking for v2 help vs using legacy grub.

    Disk director it is!! not only can I appreciate getting a new partitioning package to do a split & resize while "keeping data intact" (though paragon promised the same a terribly disappointed me on 1 occasion). It also has an expert recovery / cd module I like. Oh, also, check it out, "Insert a bootable CD/DVD and it will automatically be detected and displayed as a multiboot option by Acronis OS Selector"

    Thanks again.
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