USB Flash Drive - Auto Start Recovery Process

Discussion in 'Acronis True Image Product Line' started by kjparenteau, Aug 27, 2008.

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  1. kjparenteau

    kjparenteau Registered Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    I am not sure if this is possible or not, but here's what I would like to do... I have it figured out manually already, but I was curious about making this process automatic.

    Acronis 11 - I have a USB Flash drive, used the Rescue Media Builder to make it bootable via USB which works fine. I took the flash drive and added a .TIB image file to it. Now the flash drive will boot the system into TI, and I am able to see the .TIB image file on the drive and pull from it and restore images just fine.

    My question is... Is there any way to automate that process? I noticed there was Bootable Media Startup Parameters. Is there any particular options that I could enter in there to pull a specific image file? I want it to automatically launch the restore process to the C hard drive, deleting any previous partitions, and pulling the image from WHATEVERFILE.TIB.

    Any ideas? I dug around in the forums for a while and was not seeing anything that would point me in the right direction.

  2. MudCrab

    MudCrab Imaging Specialist

    Nov 3, 2006

    TI does not directly support doing automated restores from USB devices. I have worked on this and did figure out a way to do it (including writing a program to automate most of the process). However, the requirements are very strict for what works and what doesn't work.

    If you setup an automatic restore for an Entire Disk, it will only work once. That defeats the purpose, so those don't work.

    If you setup an automatic restore for a partition, it will work multiple times as long as the drive and partition structure are exactly the same as when you setup the automatic restore (the data can change). Any drive or partition changes and the automatic restore will abort. In most cases, this involves doing a TI restore of the partition prior to setting up the automatic restore.

    TI's Full mode (the Linux-based) mode must work correctly on your computer and it must be able to successfully complete a restore started in Windows.

    TI also must be able to do a successful restore from the flashdrive when booted to the Full mode version. On some computers, this means the backup image must be created by TI Full and saved directly to the flashdrive and not created by TI in Windows.
  3. kjparenteau

    kjparenteau Registered Member

    Aug 27, 2008
    Yeah this whole process is through the Linux Full mode during system boot for both the backup and restore. No windows based backups are involved. I boot off the USB thumb drive (8 gig) right and get into the Full mode of Acronis. I have the .TIB on that same 8 gig drive. I can just go to recovery, choose the image file on that 8 gig drive, and it asks what drive, and I say C, and then if I want to delete all previous partitions on C, I say yeah, and then no other processes. Confirm the run at the end and it starts working like a champ.

    I guess if that exact process I just mentioned can't be automated to pull WHATEVERFILE.TIB easily, then I can just continue to do it manually. I would just prefer it to be automated so I can just give someone a drive and say... "Here boot off this and let it run" lol

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