TDS-4 ?

Discussion in 'Trojan Defence Suite' started by NewB, Sep 6, 2002.

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  1. NewB

    NewB Guest

    Hi Everyone!

    I read awhile back about 4-5 months ago Wayne mentioned TDS-4 was coming soon. I am wondering what is going on exactly that its taking so long & what kind of realistic time frame can we expect now? Please no more coming soons :)

    I havent yet used TDS, i was kind of waiting to try the new TDS-4 when it came out. Ive used Trojan Hunter in the past which is a good newer Anti-Trojan, but from my lenghty readings online & studies i now know TDS & BOClean are the two very Best Anti-Trojans out there. So im really anxious about trying TDS-4.

    I havent heard anybody for a looong time it seems talk about TDS-4, so if anyone has heard anything or if anyone from DiamondCS would like to comment on it id appreciate it.

  2. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    I'd say grab your copy for a trial of TDS-3 then, to have your impression and being safe and clean in the meantime.
    There is not any reason to wait for the v4, as when you register the v3 you'll be upgraded to 4 for free.
    Wayne posted in another thread about two more new products in the build at the same time, and not to forget WormGuard 4, so that's quite a bit of powerful tools for us to work with. You know DCS builds products because users ask and need, so there are some ideas what to expect.
    Soon, hm, they're integrating new technologies not used in other software yet, and they want to make sure all is running on all windows versions.
  3. bubs

    bubs Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2002
    Suffolk, England
    Jooske: I agree with all you've said, but do you have an answer to NewB's question?

  4. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea

    See Wayne's words here, this is the message i was talking about.
  5. bubs

    bubs Registered Member

    Apr 28, 2002
    Suffolk, England
    Thanks for the link Jooske - just got back from holiday & don't have time at present to go thru every thread.......

  6. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Welcome back Bubs!
    Hope you had a very good time!

    Would not like to miss any character or number from the DCS guys :D I do a lot from memory, not always hunting for the exact threads in this or the private forum.
    Imagine all those wonderful tools in the build; we're beta-testing some things at times which' technologies might be used for the one we're all waiting for, never know until we see it! :D
  7. XTraveler

    XTraveler Registered Member

    Apr 20, 2002
    TX, USA
    One thing I've learned....when Wayne tells you something is "coming soon" you can bet your last nickel that it will be a long, long time before you see it. As good as TDS-3 is, it's very frustrating for Wayne to lead people on regarding "new, improved versions just around the corner."
  8. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    In fact i do think for the vision of that moment it was around the corner indeed.
    This project they're working on quite a while, users came with new wishes in the meantime, windows versions have new possibilities or limitations, new security aspects discovered in the meantime, while building new invents done and build in, etc etc.
    It's most certainly not a bad intention or to keep people on the line, as they work there day and night round the clock on prijects. What i do understand they are working on several tools at the time which will make a very nice combination.
    The new tool we're beta testing at the moment might contain some new technology parts as well for inclusion in the TDS "line". With this i mean it is not so product A is build alone and B-Z would have to wait all for each other: it's very possible product A-G are all build at the same time and might be ready for beta testing all together.
    We all hope it will be soon, of course!
    It will also be in Wayne's own best interest to release new versions/tools asap, but he wants them to be good once released, to prevent complaints and bugfixes, etc.
  9. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Although it has been a long time coming - I am more than willing to wait for TDS-4 (even a bit longer then expected, if necessary) if that's how long it takes to get any issues in it resolved.

    And I can almost guarantee that any TDS-3 user will be blown away when TDS-4 arrives - does that count as buying into the hype? Personally, I don't think so - since past experience has been that the next version of TDS always delivers what is promised (and possibly even more unique extras :D - I'm willing to wait and see if it means an extra plug-in or two ;)).

  10. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    lol tds 4 wont be out for 8 more months lol but it wil be worth it

    i been waiting so long i had two kids a dog name spot a wife and a house with a white picket fence lol during this waiting period.

    perty soon ill be in diapers and toothless and kids will be off to collge lol
  11. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Ahh great! then you won't bite if you wait any longer.
    Keep the spot solution away from spot, or you'll be without dog named spot soon.
  12. NewB

    NewB Guest

    Thanks Jooske for responding & anyone else who did. I have been very sick lately so i am sorry i havent responded sooner.

    I was a bit hestiant in downloading TDS-3 in the first place because of all the resources that i hear it uses. I have an older machine & im looking for programs that tie up the least amount if possible.

    I was particularly interested in TDS-4 because i heard the Active Guard can be downloaded separately from everything else & it will use very little in resources. I just want something that will give me top notch protection with out having to fool around with it much. Just sit there & protect me :)

    It sounds like just a couple more months now. I guess i can wait patiently with MRBLAZE ;)

    Thanks again .
  13. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Good to see you back! Hope you're feeling better now.

    TDS is programmed to use as little resources as possible, but lot depends also on our habits of using our systems and startup order, etc.
    It runs on all windows versions above 3.1.

    My systems are older too and all runs fine. It's just good for DCS there are users and beta testers with not the most advanced sysems to see how it works.
    What can take some RAM is the startup with all the scans, that's why i never do a startup with the full system scan, that part i do after when i feel to. But the initial scans and checks i do at startup of TDS, but TDS itself i start manually after all the other programs have started after system reboot, not with the autostart.
    With a program like WinTask you can even configure your programs to start up in a certain order or some delay.
    Believe me, it even runs on an older WinME system here with very little RAM without problems.
    So d/l the TDS-3 and see what happens. It's your security in the meantime and protection, so you'll know what you're talking about while waiting for the next version and separate tools.
    DCS could make ten other tools in the meantime we might not even know about, so why wait?
    Grab what there is now, update the defenitions and give it a scan. I for me would not wait a second if it is security of my system and we don't know about a possible release date of the next version.
  14. NewB

    NewB Guest

    Im feeling much better now, thanks Jooske.

    I guess you have finally convinced me to give it a go. :) I'll try TDS-3 out tomorrow when i have a little more time to spare. Thank you for all your tips & advice - i appreciate it. I'll try to set it up like you have & see how it works.

    With what you have told me & with the screen shots & help in the above post "Basic Configuration of TDS-3" i hopefuly can get this thing working. :)

    Thank you again & Take care.
  15. FanJ

    FanJ Guest

    Hi NewB,

    Please feel free to ask questions if you need help with the basic configuration!

    Best wishes, Jan.
  16. MickeyTheMan

    MickeyTheMan Security Expert

    Feb 9, 2002
    Need a little incentive to try it out ?
    42 anti trojans were tested at :

    Guess which one came on top ?..... :D
  17. NewB

    NewB Guest

    Thank you very much Jan.

    It looks like you did a very nice job with the message above on basic configuration . It has screen shots as well which is always a major help when someone is trying to explain something. If it wasnt for the screen shots i would probably be more worried :)


    It is no suprise to me, if you take a look at my first post i already know TDS & BOClean are the very best! Nice article though.
  18. NewB

    NewB Guest

    1 1/2 years later... after Wayne said TDS-4 was coming soon, there is still no TDS-4 yet.

    I am sure glad I ended up purchasing BOClean instead. They are at least upfront and honest on things. TDS are great at marketing and leading people on though, ill give em that. :)
  19. Jooske

    Jooske Registered Member

    Feb 12, 2002
    Netherlands, EU near the sea
    Don't worry, TDS and BOClean work very nice together on a system.
    TDS3 is still leading top notch so don't worry at all.
    TDS-4 will be three products to fullfill your personal needs, get all three or make a combination you like most.
    There could have been chosen for an update for TDS-3, in fact we got a few smaller ones in the mean time, but there has been chosen for a complete rebuilding from scratch and all new design to deal better with all circumstances.

    In the meantime we've been presented bunches of new tools, all free, all new technologies, we are beta testing other revolutionair products at the moment, so expect something more soon.
  20. Pilli

    Pilli Registered Member

    Feb 13, 2002
    Hampshire UK
    NewB I resent the remark about honesty, Wayne and DCs have NOT been dishonest.
    Wayne prides himself on his business ethics and I am surprised that you question that.
    OK It is unfortunate that timetable changed but TDS3 is still a leader and the promise of free upgrades still stands. You will have the satisfaction of knowing that you will be using cutting edge technology against the new threats that are entering the malware arena -
    Nothing dishonest about that. :D
  21. Mr.Blaze

    Mr.Blaze The Newbie Welcome Wagon

    Feb 3, 2003
    on the sofa
    :cool: Makeing my presence knowen lol im cllecting data so far i come to conclustion a few are beta testers of tds 4 gimmme gimme gimme lol
  22. Wayne - DiamondCS

    Wayne - DiamondCS Security Expert

    Jul 19, 2002
    Perth, Oz
    I guess now is a good time to inform you of some of the progress we've made over the last year or so ... :)
    There's a lot I can't say, but I'll offer you as much as I possibly can now.

    But first I must start by saying - we want to get as much powerful software out to you guys as we can, as quickly as possible - it's in your best interests, and it's in our bests interests, but much of what we do requires a lot of up-front research, as we often have to delve into undocumented territory to accomplish security-related tasks, such as port-to-process mapping and hooking process execution. Fortunately, we have mastered these tricks and they're already implemented in TDS4 as our beta testers will soon see, but they've taken a lot of time to research, time that can't be avoided - there's no two ways about it when you're dealing with undocumented matter, you must analyse it completely. It takes time, but the result is we've come up with something that we're confident no other anti-trojan programs will be able to replicate or even come close to. We're proud of that, and we do apologise for the time it has taken for us to research and develop these technologies, but we're confident that when you try the first TDS4 program, you'll realise it was all worth it.

    However, before I start, I ask that you think about how many unique techologies your anti-trojan program has offered you over all the years you've used it? By unique, I mean technologies that have never been seen before - technologies that are unique and have been researched by that company. To my knowledge, no anti-trojan program other than TDS3 has introduced new detection techniques.

    A heck of a lot of research has gone into the foundations of TDS4. We've spent more time and money than any other anti-trojan company is willing to even consider, and in just one or two months you'll see the first fruits of our labor, we're very proud of what we've accomplished and we're looking forward to seeing our customers enjoy what we've come up with!

    Some examples of what we've now accomplished ...

    We're now the only anti-trojan company that has developed port-to-process mapping technology. As our Port Explorer and OpenPorts programs show, this in itself is an extremely powerful anti-trojan tool - you can literally use this technique on its own to detect the majority of trojans, and Port Explorer's hidden server detection technology extends on this even further to generically detect any program that's acting as a server, but running invisibly. Incidentally, Port Explorer is virtually your own only option if you want port-to-process mapping under Win95/98/ME/SE, and it's the only port-to-process mapper available in languages other than English. :)

    Process termination protection - at least one other anti-trojan company said 'it can't be done' (that's the anti-trojan company that you rely on for anti-trojan protection), and said that it's up to Microsoft (their exact words are still available on the web, search for nsclean terminateprocess). We've developed a kernel-level driver to solve this problem (incidentally, we're also the only anti-trojan company that develops kernel-level drivers), and you'll be able to test this for yourself later this week. Essentially, our program stops a variety of attacks that trojans perform against security software, including:
    - TerminateProcess attacks
    - DebugActiveProcess termination attacks
    - Process memory/code modification
    - EIP and register modification (termination/code modification attacks)
    - Thread suspension attacks
    You won't get this protection from your anti-trojan scanner, because the company that makes it said it couldn't be done. All you'll get from them is another, equally vulnerable process that simply watches over the other one. This isn't security - it's a joke, as trojans simply terminate the watching process before terminating the main process. It's like trying to stop yourself from being shot by standing another human in front of yourself - it's a false sense of security, and it just doesn't work, so we've developed a true driver-based solution to this problem - real security.

    Kernel-driven execution interception/protection, including under the 16-bit Windows subsystem (WOW). This allows TDS to be the only anti-trojan program capable of intercepting and block trojans before they execute, whereas all other resident anti-trojan scanners require you to be infected before they can detect the infection, but the reality is that at that stage it's far too late - the trojan can destroy the anti-trojan system, so TDS4 provides a 'first-strike' advantage by being able to scan code before it's allowed to execute. Don't expect to see this technology in any other anti-trojan scanners in the near future, it will almost certainly be exclusive to TDS (TDS3 is currently the only anti-trojan scanner that makes this technology available to the user).

    We've also just about completed work on our emulator, which will allow us to generically unpack and scan inside packed executables - something every anti-virus and anti-trojan scanner is trying to accomplish, but it seems we're the only anti-trojan scanner heading in this direction.

    ... and did I mention we've had the largest trojan database since the mid-to-late 90's? Find an anti-trojan program, any anti-trojan program... TDS3 detects more trojans, period.

    NewB, we look forward to your feedback in the next month or two after you're able to unleash the power of TDS4 Active Guard on your system :).

    Look forward to catching up with you then,
  23. WilliamP

    WilliamP Registered Member

    Jun 1, 2003
    Fayetteville, Ga
    I for 1 am happy with TDS3. I hope I will be as happy with 4 when ever it get here. Keep up the good work.
  24. beetlejuice

    beetlejuice Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2002
    ;) From past experience I think the following statement can be safely made. Wayne is a "perfectionist." I'm sure TDS4 will be perfect when all is said and done. :D
  25. Rainwalker

    Rainwalker Registered Member

    May 18, 2003
    I just wanted to take a moment and say thank you to Wayne and team for all their hard work and super products. To work hard and to be deeply passionate about the positive things that we share with others in life is to be truly alive. Less then that is to be less then that.
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