SRP, parental controls and PGS

Discussion in 'other security issues & news' started by Jho, Dec 13, 2011.

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  1. Jho

    Jho Registered Member

    Dec 13, 2011

    I have Windows 7 Home Premium 64bits installed. Back when I had XP Pro, I was able to use use SRP and set it to default deny. As you probably know, HP users do not have access to gpedit, so I've been using the Parental Control as a way to configure the SRP, only allowing selected programs to run. So far, so good. However, recently I've read about Sully's PGS, which seems to restore the SRP functions by providing a interface a la gpedit.

    So my question is: Which one would be appropriate? Or a both on the same level and provide the same protection with default deny?

  2. Sully

    Sully Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2005
    GPO lets you manage SRP through the group policy. That is a good feature to have if you use GP stuff.

    SRP itself is part of a function, and it is always checked upon process creation. That is why on HOME versions, all you need is the correct registry entries for it to work.

    PGS simply helps you create and manage those registry entries. It offers nothing that the snap-in doesn't really, and everything a .reg file will accomplish.

    GPO use is best as it allows more security, and lets you roll it out to all computers if you so desire. PGS was just something I wanted to do because I really did not like the interface to SRP on XP Pro. As it so happens, people with HOME versions can use it instead of .reg files, so bonus for them ;)


    EDIT: I don't use parental controls (never have really), so can't answer anything in that area. wat0114 I think has used that before, he might chime in..
  3. jdd58

    jdd58 Registered Member

    Jan 30, 2008
    More info here -

    and here -

    Does PGS work on Windows 7? I thought it only worked on XP and Vista.
  4. Jho

    Jho Registered Member

    Dec 13, 2011
    Thanks Sully, jdd58!

    I'll fire up a VM and test PGS. I'm most interested in .dll blocking, which doesn't seem to stick even with changes in the registry when using Parental Controls. Maybe PGS can handle it better.
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