Wondering what other Chrome/Chromium browser users have listed in chrome://serviceworker-internals and do you keep them registered, if so why? https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/src/ /master/docs/security/service-worker-security-faq.md
@Deletedmessiah __________________________________________________ I don't know the situation of other firefox-based browsers. But in my New Moon they are disabled by default: @To all Check it out
In Firefox it is enabled by default, though I do not have any serviceworkers listed (about:serviceworkers). This may be due to NoScript.
Even without NoScript, I do not have any serviceworkers listed in Firefox about:serviceworkers. I don't know if that is default, or because of strict browser settings.
This rule inserted in Chrome (I don't know if also in other chrome-based browsers) prevents the correct display of many websites. The best known is the VirusTotal.
I don't get it, I've got 275 in Vivaldi, but it seems like all of them have a Running Status of "Stopped". I have never heard of this stuff, how to disable them and is this some kind of security risk?
Man, did I ever develop a low-level headache reading about Service Workers! That'd be me! Several rungs above my pay grade, for sure. But the best thing I came away with is that I have Chrome set to clear browser data when I close the browser, PLUS I clear it manually frequently during a long browsing session. Some of this is a throwback to my Sandboxie practices of periodically closing the browser to delete everything in there. I see that there are Chrome extensions designed to block Service Workers, but I don't want to add another entity that may be capable of reading or changing site data. For now I am satisfied with clearing SW's. The SW's I see tend to be from weather.com and fianancial sites, and also GitHub. The active worker I see right now says I appreciate stapp starting this thread. Interesting, but complex, for me.
42, are you using an extension for that? because chrome does not allow you to delete history on shutdown automatically.
How to insert exceptions to the rule. In the example there are two: Code: *$csp=worker-src 'none',domain=virustotal.com|lewd.ninja an extension is also available: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/reject-service-worker/falajmifjcihbmlokgomiklbfmgmnopd
a well programmed page delete a service worker when site is closed. nevertheless is blocking no well chosen decision because it has side effects on page content. Cookie AutoDelete is able to delete SW when cookies for such page is deleted. there is nothing else to care about.
I said I have Chrome set to clear browser data, not history. The actual setting I have enabled is "Clear cookies and site data when you quit Chrome". To answer your question, imdb, I don't use an extension to clear history. I manually clear browser data ("Clear history, cookies, cache, and more"), and I run Privacy Eraser Pro (manually) which erases, among other things, Internet History, Download History & AutoFill History. The difference in all this, that I believe you are pointing out, is that site data is not the same as history. For purposes of this topic (Service Workers), I observed that the SW's are gone when the site data is cleared upon closing the browser, or when manually clearing browser data. How do you handle all of the above, imdb?
Same question here. I read the above-linked Service Worker Security FAQ, and it does reference Service Workers as seeming "extremely risky" and mentions how the "SW designers and implementers have mitigated the risks"... but I missed the part about what the risks actually are? Or maybe I did not miss the part. Maybe the FAQ left that out?
You possible missed this one after: And chrome instances are "low right". Thats reason behind answer above from me - SW are not evil in a normal way.
So from what I understood you need to clear cookies in order to avoid these service workers, is this correct? Seems interesting, but no reviews.
It would be interesting to check if it works. Among many W. members who use chrome-based browsers ... I have no SW problems with my New Moon 28 browser.
I never had in any browser, but I miss experience turning them off for no reason. For chromium based chrome://serviceworker-internals/ (pre-word might differ as "vivaldi", "edge", "opera" aso.) For Firefox about:serviceworkers about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox Important is this line Running Status: STOPPED (similar in Firefox - about:debugging#/runtime/this-firefox ) this forum version has no SW, but the next gen of xenforo has. And it's bound to a user session id, so it becomes not hijack-able.