remember "text faders" or "proggies" for aol chatrooms?

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by reminence, Jan 20, 2006.

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  1. reminence

    reminence Guest

    anyone remember those text faders that made the colors of text all rainbow like.. those were AWESOME! back in the day.. ahh. I also was a dork and played with "proggies" if anyone can recall, it would generate macro text and make it look like a middle finger, or an alien pissing, or dog and it would scramble the whole chatroom, or make links change colors.. and blank out the whole screen, and i would send "mail/im bombs" which would knock other users offline" lol I was a dork back then.. I think it was back on aol 4.0- 6.0 it worked, my fave was called "rampage" :D heh, now I loathe AOL.
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