Pete is fixing to blow a gasket.

Discussion in 'ten-forward' started by spy1, Mar 1, 2006.

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  1. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Have you ever just been at your wits' end over the conscious blindness of some of the people around you? Aghast at what some people will accept and even root for to happen when they know what they're asking for and what consequences it will have - not just for them - but on their children and grandchildren?

    Have you ever seen something that was crystal-clear to you - but which for some reason you couldn't - regardless of the facts supporting your side or the elegance of your presentation - get across to other people in such a manner as to cause them to see it for themselves, and act on that information?

    Have you ever just wanted to scream and snarl at the utter contempt in which all of your elected representatives seem to hold you, and what you want?

    That's where I'm at tonight.

    Hope your night's going better. Pete
  2. crofttk

    crofttk Registered Member

    May 15, 2004
    Eastern PA, USA
    I have and it is. Just landed a job interview !

    So what's the argument ?
  3. Primrose

    Primrose Registered Member

    Sep 21, 2002
    Yup..and i worry about you mainly because we is buddies..and I respects your positions on many issues in life..but still want you to enjoy life as you dedicate your free time to something you feel is very important..but will no longer give you a opening to skin the Cat. Best to you and the family..:thumb:

    Splat Cat

    Seems a guy was driving for hours thu desolate country when he passed a farmhouse, and before he could react, a cat ran out in front of him and*splat*... he flattened the cat. Out of kindness and consideration, he stopped, turned around and drove back to the farmhouse to notify the occupants. When the housewife came to the door, said he, "Pardon me madame, but I just ran over a cat in front of your house, and assumed that it must belong to you. I know this might be hard to hear, but I wanted to let you know instead of just driving off...."

    "Not so fast", says she. "How do you know it was our cat? Could you describe him? What does he look like?"

    The man promptly flopped down on the ground, and said "He looks like this as he gave his best shot at a dead cat impression.

    "Oh no, you *horrible* man", she replied. "I meant, what did he look like*before* you hit him?"

    At that, the man got up, covered his eyes with both hands and screamed"Agggghhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!"
  4. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    Crofttk - Congratulations, my friend - and good luck!

    Primrose - No opening tried for - and thanks for both the good wishes and the joke! <g> Pete
  5. aka:snowman

    aka:snowman Former Poster

    May 14, 2004
    SPY 1

    Today ended an era of began a new era that no one knows what will hold.....

    Pete, your frustration is felt by many.......

    Walk Tall did a great job....

    Warm Regards

    Snowie The Snowman
  6. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
    snowman! Good to see you. Might want to check your PM's here.

    See? My day's getting better already! Pete
  7. aka:snowman

    aka:snowman Former Poster

    May 14, 2004
    T O M O R R O W

    R E M A I N S

    Freedom..........use it or lose it !
  8. Peter2150

    Peter2150 Global Moderator

    Sep 20, 2003
    Hi Pete

    I feel your frustration. Sometimes it's just plain hard to understand when something is so obvious to us, why others can't see it. But everyone does have a different viewpoint on things. What I've put below, while being hilarious, does give a glimpse on perspective.

    All the best,


    PS Don't ever loose your sense of humor. It gets you thru anything.

    LETTER FROM A FARM KID (now at Camp Pendleton, San Diego,
    Marine Corps Recruit Training)

    Dear Ma and Pa:

    I am well. Hope you are too. Tell Brother Walt and Brother
    Elmer that the Marine Corps beats working for old man Minch
    by a mile. Tell them to join up quick before all of the
    places are filled.

    I was restless at first because you got to stay in bed till
    nearly 6 a.m., but I am getting so I like to sleep late.
    Tell Walt and Elmer all you do before breakfast is smooth
    your cot and shine some things. No hogs to slop, feed to
    pitch, mash to mix, wood to split, fire to lay...
    practically nothing. Men got to shave but it's not so bad...
    there's warm water. Breakfast is strong on trimmings like
    fruit juice, cereal, eggs, bacon, etc., but kind of weak on
    chops, potatoes, ham, steak, fried eggplant, pie, and other
    regular food, but tell Walt and Elmer you can always sit by
    the two city boys that live on coffee. Their food plus yours
    holds you 'til noon when you get fed again. It's no wonder
    these city boys can't walk much.

    We go on "route marches," which the platoon sergeant says
    are long walks to harden us. If he thinks so, it's not my
    place to tell him different. A "route march" is about as far
    as to our mailbox at home. Then the city guys get sore feet
    and we all ride back in trucks.

    The country is nice but awful flat. The sergeant is like a
    school teacher. He nags a lot. The captain is like the
    school board. Majors and colonels just ride around and
    frown. They don't bother you none.

    This next will kill Walt and Elmer with laughing. I keep
    getting medals for shooting. I don't know why. The bulls-eye
    is near as big as a chipmunk head and don't move, and it
    ain't shooting at you like the Higgett boys at home. All you
    got to do is lie there all comfortable and hit it. You don't
    even load your own cartridges. They come in boxes.

    Then we have what they call hand-to-hand combat training.
    You get to wrestle with them city boys. I have to be real
    careful though, they break real easy. It ain't like fighting
    with that ole bull at home. I'm about the best they got in
    this except for that Tug Jordan from over in Silver Lake. I
    only beat him once. He joined up the same time as me, but
    I'm only 5'6" and 130 pounds and he's 6'8" and near 300
    pounds dry.

    Be sure to tell Walt and Elmer to hurry and join up before
    other fellers get onto this setup and come stampeding on in.

    Your loving daughter,
  9. aka:snowman

    aka:snowman Former Poster

    May 14, 2004

    25 minutes ago
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