Paint Shop Pro Talk

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Uguel707, Feb 10, 2005.

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  1. SonyaM32

    SonyaM32 Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2004
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Uguel, it happened to me again :( I had to reinstall Windows again because of another virus :thumbd:
    I am trying the same thing again with getting the VM sparkle plugin for PSP.
    I installed the DLL's in system 32 folder, but the first time I installed them they did not work, so I re-installed them a second time in the same folder, but duh me :rolleyes: didn't remember to remove the first ones before I installed the second set of DLL's. (I think I was hopeing a "file already exists" window would just pop up if it was already there) :D
    So I did a search in system 32 and it came up with several MSVCRT. My question is, do I need to get rid of any of these? o_O A few of them look the same to me.
    I installed a set of them the first time.
    I remember you said to be sure the DLL's were not already on my computer before putting new ones in.
    I am lost with this one :D
    Here is a pic of the search for MSVCRT.
    Thanks again, and I hope this is the last time I ever have to re-install Windows in my life! lol :) But I am getting my old anti-virus prog back so it shouldn't happen again. :)

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    Last edited: Jun 19, 2006
  2. SonyaM32

    SonyaM32 Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2004
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Ok, I fixed it, lol :D I knew if I kept at it, I would eventually figure it out.
    I had to put MSVCRT10 into the Windows system folder and it worked :) But I see it is also in system 32 o_O is that gona be ok?
  3. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Pandora, if you are out there...lurking...I just remembered a GREAT program for frames (though it's not necessarily devoted to the making of frames) It is the free program "Primus" from Flaming Pear!

    LOL! I like recreating reality with photoshop, too (though I must do it on the lowley PC!). I agree with what you said about lighting. I always try to "bring them together" - my term for adjusting both pictures towards a blend first.

    From what I have heard, you are wise to get into sound production. I've wanted to play with sound editing, but I have no music background at all. I just think it would be cool to try and make my own freaky remix using existing mp3's. My sis, who has done some local TV production, gave me adobe audition, and acid pro 4 (sonic foundry), but I just cannot face a whole new incomprehensible catagory of computer programs. I love what programs can do, but why do these programs have to be so hard to use? I want things to be so advanced they are simple!


    Oh, I better post a picture for good measure, how about....Lotus Eaters!

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  4. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Wow another nasty!:( ...was your anti-virus running when it happened?
    ..and was it updated? If it was running and already updated you might increase your level of security or consider getting a new AV. I had Norton in the past and then I decided to try Kapersky well... it made my graphic applications crash (esp. Paint Shop) plus they were running very slow. So I opted for NOD32 and I like it a lot. It is fast, it doesn't shut down my applications and it detects those nasties very can detect Trojans too (eventhough it is not its main feature). I just renewed my subscription recently and took it for 2 years. I saved 10$ :D and plus I won't get disturbed next year.;)

    Well, at Major Geeks they advise to put them in the sytem32 folder BUT they are many Paint Shop Pro sites that advise to put them in the windows/system (just one folder above) and yes, this is where I put them and they work fine. So my guess is that either way might work. Right, better not have duplicate files otherwise it slows down your system. If they are already in the system 32, leave them there and stick to that folder only! ;)
  5. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    well, looking forward to learning the rest of this tutorial!;)


    To Hands-Off,

    I did a drawing of a Manga, I will show it later! :)


    Now this is what I did recently, the first one is a painting I did
    from a picture with Art Rage. I tried to portray her as Bellatrix Lestrange.
    She's the wicked character from 'The Order of The Phoenix' book.
    She's a death eater so that's why I made those eyes.....:D

    ...this one is a portrait of a girl, Jane, I did with Art Rage too.:)
  6. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    it looks very nice to me!!!:thumb:
  7. `mishimasan`

    `mishimasan` Registered Member

    Feb 19, 2005
    London, England
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Wow Uguel, those are really good - did you hand paint those yourself? o_O

    I will post the 2nd and 3rd parts of the tutorial today - I don't want them to be spaced out too much.


    p.s. ANTI-VIRUS. I used AVG Free and AVG Soho Edition. Soho Edition you have to pay for, but AVG Free... well... it's free. They are excellent and very simple to use. They hardly take up any system resources either.
  8. SonyaM32

    SonyaM32 Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2004
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Exactly :D NOD32 is the best ever! My subscription run out not long ago, and I am going to re-new it very soon. And it is not very expensive either ;) When I first got NOD32, in Amon there were over 5000 viruses (yes 5000, lol ) that the other free antiviruses did not find. :rolleyes:
    So, once I get that back, I shouldn't have to go through this ever again! :)
    Thanks! :D
  9. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    I think that you made a wise decision. NOD32 works fine, it doesn't slow down the PC as much as other AV's. Plus, it offers a very good protection.:)

    5000 viruses? Wild!:eek: My guess is that some of them were probably various forms of trojans and spywares apart from all the other creepy-crawlies that come to life every day. Oh, and I was thinking that you might get a good anti-trojan too. Ewido is doing pretty well as an anti-trojan. I have it on my PC and I like it. :)

    The setup contains the free as well as the paid version of Ewido anti-spyware. You will get 30-day trial version containing all the extensions of the full version. At the end of the trial, these extensions will be deactivated and the program will turn into a feature-limited freeware version. I kept on with the free version only for I have other applications that help bringing more protection.
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2006
  10. Uguel707

    Uguel707 Graphic Artist

    Nov 9, 2002
    San Diego
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Yes, I painted them with Art Rage. But I must confess that the program helps
    me a bit. I select a model or an image that I want to paint from the program, then the program will do a calque of the image (all I will see is an indefinite shadow) and then I just paint over it. Once I am done, I edit the painting in Paint Shop to bring a few corrections and voilà!

    You can download a free version of the program. Once you arrive on the
    home page, click on download on the left and then you will be prompted
    to the page where you can get the free version.:)
  11. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    Learning to use PhotoFiltre

    Here's my situation... I'm pretty much a photo-editing novice using Google's Picasa2 mainly because of it's very user-friendly interface. But now I'm finding it too limiting and would like to move to a more feature-rich (but free) program.

    PhotoFiltre seems to 'fit the bill', but after downloading and installing it, I don't know how to begin learning how to use it. Having only used Picasa, I find PF's interface overwhelming... Any suggestions as to how to get started with PF would be most appreciated.
  12. Eldar

    Eldar Registered Member

    Jul 12, 2004
    Vilvoorde (Belgium)
    Re: Learning to use PhotoFiltre

    Have a look at all the tutorials they have. :cool:

    On the home page you'll find the link to their forum too, as well as plugins you could install to complement PhotoFiltre.

    Above all play with it, so you'll know what some tools do, without having to worry too much. Have fun. :)
  13. pvsurfer

    pvsurfer Registered Member

    Sep 1, 2004
    Re: Learning to use PhotoFiltre

    Thanks for the reply Eldar. Before you pointed me to the tutorials, I didn't know about them. Compared to Picasa2 (the only photo viewer-editor I've used) PF's interface is rather intimidating, but now I will check out those tutorials and 'dive-in'.
  14. SonyaM32

    SonyaM32 Registered Member

    Dec 23, 2004
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    I am using PhotoFiltre, and am using the magic wand tool to select letters, but each time I move to another letter, the ants are only around the selected letter. I want to be able to select them all at once.
    In PSP, I can hold down the shift key or chose add/shift and it works.
    Is there any setting in PhotoFiltre to do the same thing?
    :cool: :cool: :cool:
  15. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Hi Uguel

    I really do like your art rage pictures! I had hoped to check art rage out by now by have not:( I have actually been learning a new cutting edge technique that is very old and obsolete, and it has been slow going, but rewarding. You know how I said I liked virtual painter so much? I don't like it that much anymore! Does this mean my tastes are more refined, and I am progressing? It must, huh?

    - HandsOff
  16. bigbuck

    bigbuck Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Qld, Aus
  17. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    I was just thinking about you and that site!

    That's an iteresting water texture too. I would not put it past you to take a picture of a pool and use that for a texture! I want to join, but it will be hard to wait ten contests before I can vote. Still, I am going to do it. Keep your eyes open for me!

  18. bigbuck

    bigbuck Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Qld, Aus
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Actually Mac, I made the water texture from scratch (or actually from a heavily filtered version of the cabbage pic). It's an 'all source' chop. No external pics were used.
    Well I'll be looking for you over'll love it!
  19. Marja

    Marja Honestly, I'm not a bot!!

    Mar 8, 2004
    In the Vast Fields of My Mind
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    CONGRATS!! on your Win, Buck! :cool:

    It's fun watching how far you have come-
    Makes us keep tryin' too!:D

    That's a very imaginative use of cabbage! :eek:
    Much better than cole slaw, any ole day!

    MAC! Let us know when you enter-
    We'll keep an eye on both of you!

    Thanks for the Tutorial- Mishiman!
    It was very useful and informative!

    Just sayin 'HI' to ya all!
    (Uguel, Sonya n Eldar!)

    Hope you all are doing great
    and enjoying your summer!

  20. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Hey Brad I guess I forgot to say congratulations! Sorry about that - I got interested in the picture forgot the circumstances. I didn't reallize I forgot until Mishi said it. Well, anyways, congratulations.

    I tried to make water in different layers to simulate depth did not work out. I'm still not sure I could do it. I'll have to eyeball how you did it!

    I tend to have the most pride in pictures that are completely synthetic, as I think you do. In fact I have a couple on the drawing board right now. I admit they aren't that impressive do to the abstract nature which allows me to pretend my mistakes were actually deliberate and symbolic of some unstated underlying central idea. Actually, they are on purpose...Just so you know...I will beem one over when I finish...central theming...

    Hi Marja! I though you might have given up the internet. It's hard for me to imagine myself ever getting off the computer. By the time I figure out how to use it everything changes. But I thought of a plan. I'll learn faster!


    P.S. - A word of explanation may be in order the picture was originally conceived as "Lord of Golden CD's", but it was too gold for my liking so he got a blue sky and became a Golden Eagle Man. Make sense?

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  21. bigbuck

    bigbuck Registered Member

    Jul 7, 2004
    Qld, Aus
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Nice one Mac!
    BTW, is this you over at Photoshopcontest?

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  22. Marja

    Marja Honestly, I'm not a bot!!

    Mar 8, 2004
    In the Vast Fields of My Mind
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Hey, BBoss!
    Here's a pic of ma cat! 'Course he has green/gold/turquoise eyes, depending on 'his' mood!:D

    Mine aren't! LOL! And my fur is curlier......that help?:ninja::D



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  23. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Hi, I believe that is me! I admit you have been more active in flickr, but I will return, mark my words. Right now I have sort of a funny idea. It has to do with some pictures of marines doing yoga. I hope it turns out. I'm not making fun of marines, or yoga, its just that the pictures may work well because of the background in relation to the body parts.

  24. Marja

    Marja Honestly, I'm not a bot!!

    Mar 8, 2004
    In the Vast Fields of My Mind
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    (Don't let those Marines Pull anything on ya, Hands!!:rolleyes: )

    This is a picture I took at the Ranch, I almost didn't 'catch' it in time, before the cloud formation disappeared!!
    Luckily I did..

    OK! Yes, I added the moon.....but, the formation is all it's Very Own!

    It's a "Dreamy Dragon Moon"..

    Just playin' with pics!


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  25. HandsOff

    HandsOff Registered Member

    Sep 16, 2003
    Bay Area, California
    Re: Paint Shop Pro & PhotoFiltre Talk

    Hi Marja-

    I like that font in your signature, what's it called.

    My marines picture did not turn out because the pictures were not high enough quality. Why do we get expensive cameras, software, and skills, and procede to post horrible looking pictures?

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