Old W7 \ New W10 Privacy Concerns...

Discussion in 'privacy general' started by guest, May 9, 2020.

  1. guest

    guest Guest

    Okay, so I'm going to do my best to remember and not sound too silly with this, but; way back when (a few years ago) do you all remember when certain updates \ patches were coming out with Windows 7 and 8 that had some security \ privacy concerns?

    It seems like another lifetime ago, but I remember it was enough for me to lock everything down pretty tight. No updates, ran a couple of scripts, uninstalled \ prevented the updates in question from installing, and a few other measures. Well if you can imagine, though that's hardly the best option, I've never had any issues with all that.

    Now having said that; I remember reading Windows 10 had the same questionable privacy violating components baked in. (Blame my quarantine brain for not remembering the specifics!) So if an effort to save me more embarrassment with this post, ha, does anyone remember what I'm talking about? Also, now that I'm ready to move on to a new laptop with W10 Home, what should I know \ do in regards to the above concerns? (If I can even do anything?!)

    Thank you in advance!
  2. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
    Do you mean telemetry?
  3. trott3r

    trott3r Registered Member

    Jan 21, 2010
    Various things can be uninstalled with win10 antidote utilities. I think nvt has one
  4. guest

    guest Guest

    @zapjb - I do believe that sounds familiar! It's been so long but whatever it was \ the controversy surrounding potential (real) privacy violations, it was enough to get me to lock down W7. (My friend is also a stone breaker, so he didn't help either!)

    @trott3r - My main concern was \ is any component of the OS that can't be controlled \ changed \ reset that digs into and or violates the user's privacy. If it is telemetry that I'm thinking of, when it became part of W7 \ W8 updates, that's when I was like yeah no, not a fan!
  5. tutman

    tutman Registered Member

    Aug 23, 2019
    I use this program after trying several because it breaks it down with explanation for EVERY checkmark and has a lot of features! (Safe to disable all with green or yellow) https://www.w10privacy.de/english-home/
  6. trott3r

    trott3r Registered Member

    Jan 21, 2010
    This seems to be what you are looking for:

    Win10 Spy Disabler
    This software is completely free


    v1.5.0.0 - 10 March 2019

    + Improved some tweaks for the new Windows 10 OS
    + Added a banned on the right (this will help us to support the development)
    + Improved the main setup/uninstaller script
    + Fixed some issues reported by users

    v1.4.0.0 - 25 March 2016

    + Fixed changing of startup type of services
    + Added option to undo selected changes (except apps removal)
    + Added more options to improve Windows 10 privacy
    + Added a new tab to singularly disable Windows tracking options
    + By default, are checked only the options to disable Windows tracking
  7. guest

    guest Guest

  8. zapjb

    zapjb Registered Member

    Nov 15, 2005
    USA still the best. But barely.
  9. BoerenkoolMetWorst

    BoerenkoolMetWorst Registered Member

    Dec 22, 2009
    Outer space
    +1 for O&O ShutUp10. Tried a few different ones, liked this one the best.
    Whatever tool you use, make sure to run it again after every monthly update, as sometimes some telemetry gets enabled again. ShutUp10 will automatically compare settings since the last time it was run, so you can enable any changed settings again with 1 click.

    I'm moving away to Linux, but still use Windows for some purposes, so I still use ShutUp10.
  10. Palancar

    Palancar Registered Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Did anyone ever come up with a way to PREVENT Win 10 Pro from updating automatically? Not talking about delays, an absolute NO updates unless I manually request one. I have always hated the auto update (required) on 10 Pro.
  11. Acadia

    Acadia Registered Member

    Sep 8, 2002
    This is the only program (that I know of) that does the job completely and 100% of the time:


  12. Palancar

    Palancar Registered Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Thank you. I downloaded it and will try it out in a VM to see how it performs! Hoping to put it on a bare metal OS. I have always missed having complete control as to when I update.
  13. guest

    guest Guest

    Hey, so I dug into the programs and reviews a bit more, and it seems like both O&O ShutUp10 and Windows 10 Privacy Tool are pretty popular \ do what needs to be done. However since using both are kind of like using a belt and suspenders, I’m curious to see if anyone that has used both thinks. (With the understanding from above posts that O&O seems to be preferred.)

    I’m also curious if it’ll be necessary to disable updates, or to continue on with them while also checking the privacy programs to see if anything was changed. Thanks again!
  14. guest

    guest Guest

    Bump dog!!! (Corniness aside, am still still curious what y'all think; thanks again!)
  15. SAustn2

    SAustn2 Registered Member

    Oct 12, 2010
    Northeast Texas
    Running 2 of the same type of privacy tools is sort of redundant and may conflict with each other sort of how we were all taught not to run 2 real-time anti-virus'. And I believe what the others said that were helping you is install one of the privacy utilities, set it up how you want it, and after each time Windows updates recheck the privacy utility in case Windows updates changed any of the settings you chose.

    I don't think others were suggesting you to disable updates.

    I am also concerned about privacy, I just do what I can with the knowledge I have and try to learn new software like ublock origin and Linux. Lots of times I've messed up Firefox by getting too gung-ho with privacy but I just click that reset button and keep trying.
  16. Brummelchen

    Brummelchen Registered Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    i prefer O&O Shutup, simple and clean and not that intrusive like others.
    i use another firewall - its additional and i left windows firewall default settings which has no disadvantages. W10FC is very simpel, not blown, nothing else.

    about telemetry - if some experiences issues, either with software or hardware should not turn it off. MS is not able to fix it when not submitted. on the other hand it could be off if anything is running fine.

    one important to mention - dont - or never - pimp it up with tuning suites. this will threaten windows. less is more!
  17. guest

    guest Guest

    @SAustn2 - Great, that was my thinking too but the ole OCD kicks in and well, he we are!

    @Brummelchen - Yeah I'll start with that then, and does the additional FW help in making sure private info \ etc isn't going out? And ha, I tend to think less is more as well!
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