OE Classic discussions and updates

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by FanJ, Apr 10, 2017.

  1. JRViejo

    JRViejo Super Moderator

    Jul 9, 2008
    Because it's Policy. Many years ago, we deleted all YouTube videos as per that Wilders' policy. Then, after much discussion years later, we started to allow de-lnked YT videos, reserving the right to remove videos that did not meet our Terms of Service, thus why the policy's language remains unchanged.

    There have been instances that we have de-linked web sites and web pages or removed them all together (as per our TOS), depending on the subject matter. We depend on members reporting such instances, and objectionable content are either edited or removed as per our TOS.
  2. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New OEC PRO version (v3.2.81) released: Improved multi language support (Translators !!!!!!!).

    I hope the new next FREE version of OEC will be released (very ??) soon.
  3. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    The following text (in italics) was taken from OEC's Facebook post:

    "We are looking for translators of OE Classic user interface into the following languages (in the order of priority for OE Classic development):
    - Finnish
    - Portuguese (European variant only)
    - Danish
    - Japanese
    - Chinese (Traditional)
    - Chinese (Simplified)
    - Hebrew
    - Arabic
    We are only looking for one translator for each language. Translators should be native speakers of the above languages and decently fluent in English and should have familiarity using Windows programs in those languages (to recognize the appropriate translation commonly used in the language)."

    (It looks like that the next FREE version of OEC (v3.3.00 or v4.0 ? ) will be released this or next week. Fingers crossed).
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
  4. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - New update for OEC ( v4.00 PRO & FREE version) released.
    Last edited: Dec 12, 2022
  5. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002

    The SQLite library was updated (v3.40.0.0)
    That is the file C:\Program Files (x86)\OEClassic\sqlite3.dll
  6. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - I always compare the new files with the old files to see what has changed. I missed this but I assume that the name has been changed but the content didn't.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2022
  7. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New version of OEC available (v4.01).

    [2023-01-22] Fixed rare issues with date/time being calculated incorrectly

    Minor bug fixes. One of those bugs only showed up on non-english systems.
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2023
  8. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
  9. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New version of OEC PRO available (v4.0.2):

    [2023-02-01] AOL OAUTH2 wasn't working.
  10. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    The following text (in italics) was taken from OEC's Facebook page:

    OE Classic 4.0.2 (2023-02-01)

    [2023-02-01] Improved async user interface update when receiving POP messages (but also for some other operations)
    A separate "thread" of code is used to send/receive messages to avoid user interface from freezing. But when it needs to update the user interface (for example with the new message information in the list) it has to "freeze" it for a bit until the update completes. This is now done asynchronously and you will likely see OE Classic working more smoother with less "lagging" in the user interface. This is not the only improvement of this sort we'll do but it is a significant start.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2023
  11. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic 4.0.3 (Pro) released - 01 March 2023

    [+] = New feature
    [b] = Bug fix

    [+] [2023-03-01] OE Classic can now be set as default and open .NWS files as well
    [b] [2023-03-01] Next Unread logic improved to move even if messages are not marked as read
    [b] [2023-03-01] Message Viewer Previous/Next did not move through search results list but the main window list instead
  12. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic 4.0.4 Pro beta released - 04 March 2023

    [+] = New feature
    [b] = Bug fix

    [+] [2023-03-04] Store folder no longer requires mapped network drive letter, UNC path can be used directly
  13. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New version for OEC Pro (v4.0.5) available.

    [2023-03-17] Message decoder significantly improved to support and properly decode even more message formats.
    Last edited: Mar 16, 2023
  14. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New version of OEC PRO (v4.0.6) released:
    The text below was taken from OEC's Facebook page. This text gives more detailed information about the recent changes in OEC.

    (All the information below describes the changes for all OEC PRO versions v4.0.3 through v4.0.6)

    New Features:

    [2023-03-01] OE Classic can now be set as default and open .NWS files as well
    To set it as default for .NWS files, you have to navigate to the "Default Apps" in Windows control panel and then use "Choose default apps by file type" for the .NWS files where you can choose OE Classic as an option.

    [2023-03-17] Message decoder significantly improved to support and properly decode even more message formats
    Not all email programs craft messages the same way. Message can be presented in several different formats, and it depends both on the email program which has initially created the message and the receiving program which has to re-compose this message back into the original/viewable form, preferably identical to the one which was sent by the program which has created the message. We spent a lot of time to find and properly craft such messages which misbehaved and added significant update to the message decoder which now figures out better how to create the correct message display. We tested this also in some other programs (which we won't advertise here, but it is sufficient to say that they are from well established high profile companies), and many of them misbehaved, mangled the display or just placed the viewable items into attachments which is not the preferable way of showing them. OE Classic has now outperformed those applications and also improves its own display from the previous versions (4.0.4 and earlier). A lot of time has been put into this to ensure that the emails look as the sender has designed them. Some of the applications we tested are very expensive. Not only you get more affordable program with OE Classic, but also you get better quality display. What's not to love about this?

    [2023-03-17] New emoji added (Wastebasket/Trashcan)

    2023-03-21] Expand All button in Copy/Move folder selection
    Clicking the "Expand All" button will make all folders visible which are shown as collapsed (hidden) under the [+] sign.

    [2023-03-21] Right click Copy/Move from IMAP to another IMAP folder (previously drag and drop only)
    In previous releases, it was possible to copy and move messages from IMAP folder to another IMAP folder by using drag and drop of messages directly over the folder. That method is still available. Some users however prefer to use right click Copy/Move option so this is now available as well. That also means that the IMAP folders and containers now also appear in the Copy/Move folder selection window. Please see screenshot for an example.

    [2023-03-21] Copy IMAP and Newsgroups (NNTP) messages to Local Folders (drag and drop and right click)
    It is now possible to make a copy of any downloaded IMAP or Newsgroups message to Local Folders for example to backup or store locally on your hard disk drive. Drag and drop and right click methods are supported. Note that all the messages must be downloaded to be able to copy them. If some are not downloaded the program will notify you.

    Bug fixes:

    [2023-03-01] Next Unread logic improved to move even if messages are not marked as read
    Previously, if the option to "Mark message as read" wasn't set (so that the messages would remain unread), the "Next Unread" would be stuck at the currently selected unread message. Now, this is improved so it will move through all the unread messages and wrap around when it reaches the bottom of the message list. If the messages are being marked as read, the behavior will essentially be the same except eventually it will show "There are no more unread messages" when you go through all of them. If the messages are not being marked as read, then obviously, it will never report that since there will always be some unread messages in the list.

    [2023-03-01] Message Viewer Previous/Next did not move through search results list but the main window list instead
    Previously, if you did a Find/Search and in the search results you opened one of the messages and clicked Previous/Next buttons, you would be cycling through the main window message list, instead of the search results. The Message Viewer window is now context sensitive (takes into account where it was opened from) so it will navigate through the search results instead if opened from the Find/Search window. If Find/Search window is closed but some of the Message Viewer windows remain open, it will then switch back to the main window and move through those messages instead.

    [2023-03-04] Store folder no longer requires mapped network drive letter, UNC path can be used directly
    For advanced users - Previously, to change the location of the storage folder and use it from a network location (or NAS) you had to map a network drive letter for example N:\ - this is no longer needed now, as network paths can now be used directly in the UNC specification (e.g. \\server\share\Email\OEClassicData). You can alter store folder location via registry key under HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\OEClassic key name UserDataLocation (path must be without trailing backslash). Make sure you modify this while the program is not running. Next time you run the program, it will use new folder location. If it doesn't find any files inside, new folders and files will be created. You can use local paths for files (e.g. C:\Email\OEClassicData) and UNC paths (e.g. \\server\share\Email\OEClassicData). Note that if you use shared storage folder or network-attached storage (NAS), only one copy of OE Classic must running and using it at any given moment.
    Last edited: Mar 23, 2023
  15. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic 4.0.7 Pro beta released - 18 April 2023

    [+] = New feature
    [b] = Bug fix

    [+] [2023-04-18] Improved JPG magic number detection

    @Willy2 Do you know more about those magic words?
    Thanks in advance!
  16. stapp

    stapp Global Moderator

    Jan 12, 2006
    Perhaps they mean this
    See here for list

  17. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    Many thanks stapp :thumb: Great link!

    (I knew about all kind of special numbers in math (number theory: for example prime numbers, perfect numbers, Mersenne numbers etc.), but didn't know about these "magic numbers")
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2023
  18. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New version of OEC PRO (v4.0.8 ) released:

    [2023-05-07] Reordering of Local Folders/IMAP/News containers in custom order (right click or drag and drop).
  19. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - The following text in bold italics was copied from OEC's Facebook page. There are people who don't want to touch Facebook, not even with a ten foot pole. However this time I would strongly recommend to visit that Facebook page because it contains a very good video on how to use this new feature.

    - [2023-05-07] Reordering of Local Folders/IMAP/News containers in custom order (right click or drag and drop)
    It is now possible to reorder "Local Folders", "IMAP containers" and "Newsgroups containers" in a custom, user-defined order. Reordering can be made by drag and dropping the containers into a desired position, or by right clicking containers and selecting "Move Up" or "Move Down" options in the popup menu.

    - Alas, this was not an update / improvement I was hoping for. But I also don't have any suggestions for updates / improvements that - IMO - should be given "Top Priority" and/or fixed "ASAP".
    - It's very likely that there were one or more small bugs fixed as well. Every now and the I see some slight changes / improvements in the behaviour of the program.
    - Never had any problems with OEC's activation. Some issues are simply fixed by restarting one's laptop/computer. Then the Windows' memory management is perhaps "a bit confused" but I never had MAJOR problems.
    Last edited: May 9, 2023
  20. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
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    - "Backing up OEC data" (all data): see https://www.oeclassic.com/online-help-store-folder.
    - "Backing up OEC": Before OEC updates itself the program is downloaded to one special folder.I use WIZFILE to find that installation file & copy that installation file to a separate special folder. Just to be able to go back to a previous version of OEC and have a backup.
    - I haven't got the faintest clue why people "don't like" Facebook so much. Facebook is a glorified advertisement website but I gave false data about myself and that has helped to get rid of annoying advertisements. On top of that I use FB only for a few special purposes. I - unlike so many others - don't post every detail of my personal life on FB. Did you ever hear of the words "Feind hört mit" ?
  21. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    - Or try writing a backup program / procedure / script yourself (e.g. in MS-DOS).
    Last edited: May 9, 2023
  22. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New version of OEC PRO released:

    New features in version v4.1.0:
    [2023-05-17] Plain text indenting when replying or forwarding
    [2023-05-17] Expand all folders checkbox in Copy/Move folder selection (remembers state).
    Last edited: May 19, 2023
  23. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    The following text was taken from OEC's Facebook page and provides more detailed information what the new changes are in this version of OEC (v4.1.0).

    (Why do some people hate Facebook so much ? I consider Facebook in some instances to be very usefull)

    OE Classic 4.1.0 (2023-05-17)

    [2023-05-17] Plain text indenting (quoting) when replying or forwarding (supports compressed quoting)

    When an email is replied, the "more than" character-indenting will be added and the message will be wrapped to 80 characters per line. This happens when replying or forwarding a plain-text message. If the message is replied to in HTML mode, then this does not happen because HTML uses different way of quoting earlier replies as defined in the selected template (see further below). The plain-text supports/uses compressed quoting. Instead of adding the usual "> > > " for multiple replies, it will compress them to ">>> " (no spaces between the "more than" symbols) making the entire line shorter.
    [2023-05-17] "Expand all folders" checkbox in Copy/Move folder selection (remembers state)
    A few versions ago we've added "Expand All" as a button in the Copy/Move folder selection window. We've now modified this into the checkbox and the checkbox state is remembered/saved across sessions, so it always expands or collapses the folder list when you open the window, depending on what you choose.

    [2023-05-17] Default username is the Account Wizard is now full email address (as with most providers)
    Previously, the default username was the part before the @ character, e.g. for an email "john@example.com" - that would be "john". Now it is "john@example.com". This is just a default, you can still modify it, if your provider uses different type of username. However, as the username being full email address is more common, this is now the new default. Note that this doesn't affect auto-configured settings. They are aware if certain provider uses "local part" vs "full email" as the username and properly adjusts the "username".

    [2023-05-17] Account Wizard automatically trims email addresses to avoid some errors, when adding leading or trailing spaces by mistake
    Some users were typing in additional spaces when entering email address and OE Classic Account Wizard would report an error in such a case. Now it automatically trims such spaces to possibly avoid some errors.

    [2023-05-17] More customizable message templates (by default stored in "c:\Program Files (x86)\OEClassic\Html\")
    This is a feature for advanced users so if you feel you're such a user, continue reading. Message templates stored in the above folder allow you to customize how your "Reply" or "Forward" email will look like. A few are offered and "Edit-Default.htm" is used as a default one. The change is that some of the styles in the template {FONTSTYLE1} and {FONTSTYLE2} where hard-coded in the program itself so it has inserted its styles as set by the user in the program. However, that doesn't allow modification of the template as the CSS-style is inserted by OE Classic.
    So in this version those styles were extracted from {FONTSTYLE} into {FONTSTYLE1} and {FONTSTYLE2} and hard-coding was removed and moved into template itself, which can optionally (by advanced users) be replaced by custom CSS styles. Some knowledge of HTML is required for customizing templates. Note that if you customize templates you should not store them in the above folder as they would be overwritten by new updates. In such a case they should be stored in a custom folder, outside of the OE Classic installation folder.

    [2023-05-17] Keyboard shortcut is now shown for "Insert Signature" in the toolbar popup menu and main menu (both in the Message Editor)
    In the previous versions the keyboard shortcut was not shown in case of multiple signatures. Now it is.
  24. Willy2

    Willy2 Registered Member

    Jan 15, 2019
    Not in this box
    New update available for OE Classic PRO: v4.1.1.

    [2023-06-06] IMAP append support (upload message) - local folders to IMAP, IMAP to a different IMAP account.
    - In this version the user is now able to copy emails between 1) local folders and IMAP folders and copy emails 2) between 2 IMAP accounts.
    - Moving emails this way (see 1) and 2) above) is still not possible but one also can copy emails and then delete the original emails is a "work around" to achieve the same thing (=move emails).
    - When enough users are requesting this one "Move" feature then this "move" feature will be implemented (sooner).

    The following text was copied from Facebook and gives a better understanding of what the new features are.
    It is now possible to upload messages to an IMAP server. You can do it by using drag and drop of message(s) from one of the folder under the "Local Folders" onto an IMAP folder, which will initiate upload (IMAP APPEND command), or you can right mouse click and choose "Copy to Folder" and then select one of the IMAP folders to upload messages to.

    The same can be done between different IMAP accounts using both drag and drop and right mouse click.

    Note that uploading (appending) message to an IMAP folder is not the same as sending. Uploading makes a copy and saves it onto your IMAP server. This can be for example used to make a cloud backup of your local messages, or to move them between various IMAP accounts easily.
    We hope this will make managing your IMAP accounts easier, as it does make it easier for us as well.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2023
  25. FanJ

    FanJ Updates Team

    Feb 9, 2002
    OE Classic 4.2 Pro beta released - 18 July 2023

    [+] = New feature
    [b] = Bug fix

    [+] [2023-07-18] Work Offline mode support
    [b] [2023-07-18] POP LIST command was issued unnecessarily before retrieving a message
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