I checked my bank account online and i have a bunch of withdrawals from my checking account using my debit card number....405 dollars so far..Could Norton have been hacked... *Comment removed*
I was wondering if it got hacked but I did methinks really stupid like give out my card number to what i thought was my credit card company..
Now I'm confused..I found the 11 dollar charge by first premier so the call was legitimate so the question is how did they get my number?...My protection is Norton could they have got hacked..?..Or could a local business could have stole it..? Tom
It turned out that i did give the number to my credit card company..So how somebody got the number is a mystery to me..
totally lost what this is about ? Norton is not hacked, you probably entered you cc number somewhere. Why dont you contact your cc company and ask ?
I got my debit card number hacked ...I thought I gave it to the wrong person who said they were from First premier bank and I still owed 11 dollars then I noticed later they had a restricted phone number but a few days later the 11 bucks showed up on my bank debits so I assume the the call was ok..Then i got a bunch of bogus charges like 97 bucks for food delivery and other crap the the tune of around 600 bucks,so I;m now wondering if i was hacked by malware I am lost?
You are not hacked you made a mistake by giving your cc number to people. Dont blame Norton for your own mistake !
Sounds like a phone scam to me and not malware. I never give credit card information over the phone to anyone. I'd go to your bank explain the situation to see if they can void the bogus charges and get a New Debit Card.
Do It NOW - Do Not Wait until Wednesday These are the U.S.A. rules re: liabilities for fraudulent debit card charges: If you report a stolen, lost, or misused card: Before any unauthorized charges are made -- You are liable for $0 Within 2 business days after you learn about the loss or theft -- You are liable for max $50 More than 2 business days after you learn about the loss or theft, but less than 60 calendar days after your statement is sent to you -- You are liable for max $500 More than 60 calendar days after your statement is sent to you -- You are liable for All the money taken from your ATM/debit card acount, and possibly more; for example, money in accounts linked to your debit account. Your bank may have more liberal rules -- the above are the minimum protections under The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) and the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA).
Interesting article on Credit Card vs. Debit Card. https://www.creditcardinsider.com/learn/debit-cards-vs-credit-cards/ I never ever use a Debit Card for purchase. If I use plastic, it's always the Credit Card.
As noted in my post: "Your bank may have more liberal rules -- the above are the minimum protections under The Fair Credit Billing Act (FCBA) and the Electronic Fund Transfer Act (EFTA)."
Bank of America for one has it: Just note the disclaimer. All banks are going to "try to weazle" out of reimbusement if they can prove they provided you with account activity and you ignored what was shown there. It's not just hard copy statements or e-mail/text alert review . I assume the banks log all you web access to their site and can also use that against you as proof you should have reported unauthorized card use.