mru blaster trying to use the internet

Discussion in 'MRU Blaster Forum' started by sd0, May 11, 2003.

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  1. sd0

    sd0 Guest

    My firewall just informed me that MRU Blaster was trying to use my
    internet connection. I am curious as to why. Please let me know.


  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    MRU-Blaster shouldn't be using the Internet at all. o_O

    In fact, it doesn't even employ any Internet connection libraries, nor does it have any code to connect to the Internet, or send/receive data.

    I'd highly recommend that you try uninstalling and reinstalling MRU-Blaster. It is possible that something replaced the executable. (There is also a small chance that something is wrong with your firewall, but I would look into that last. What firewall are you using, and what version? - i.e. is it the latest version of the firewall that's available?)

    EDIT: If you have a program like Tiny Trojan Trap, it might notify you that the MRU-Blaster Scheduler, if you have that enabled, is trying to start mrublaster.exe (which is its purpose, of course) but no components of MRU-Blaster can/should be connecting to the net.

    Best regards,

  3. sd1

    sd1 Guest

    Thanks for the reply. This hasn't happened before, so I thought it best to
    let you know. I have now uninstalled (add/remove) and re-installed MRU Blaster
    (v1.5, 4/28/03 db), and I will let you know if this happens again.

    Meanwhile, for your information, here is the firewall (zone alarm) log entry:
    PE,2003/05/11,11:49:03 -4:00 GMT,MRU-Blaster v1.5,,N/A

    It looks like the IP address to which the contact was attempted was Does this ring any bells with anyone? It could provide
    a clue as to what was going on.


  4. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    That IP is identified as part of RCN's network ( - provides cable TV and other services).

    Perhaps it was a misidentification by your firewall? Were you trying to do any other internet activities at the time? (Such as sending or receiving e-mail perhaps?)

    Best regards,

  5. sd1

    sd1 Guest

    Hmmm. I believe my ISP is part of the RCN network. I don't usually allow any auto stuff in order
    to avoid potential conflicts/overlaps. However, it is certainly possible (and maybe even likely in
    this case) that I was doing an MRU cleanup (I have a silent shortcut sitting on my desktop so
    that I can use it easily and frequently without being in auto mode) at the same time an older
    check-for-email connection fired (since I have my email coming in through mailwasher, it is not
    always instantaneous). That would explain it. Thanks for the detective work!


  6. Imp

    Imp Registered Member

    May 6, 2003
    Paris France
    I got myself often time programs trying to connect to internet, in fact I noticed it's look like a routine from Microsoft windows, as the address requested is always the same ( 220.00) something.
    We told me in a french security site it was a routine to know which program is used in a computer, I don't iknow how and what for , only thing for sure is the connexion is never up than 44 bytes .....
    o_O o_O
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