MRU-Blaster enjoys disguising itself

Discussion in 'MRU Blaster Forum' started by m00nbl00d, Apr 21, 2009.

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  1. m00nbl00d

    m00nbl00d Registered Member

    Jan 4, 2009
    I've been witnessing for a long time now that MRU-Blaster enjoys disguising itself with other icons, rather than it's own. Sometimes it assumes Windows Defender's icon, other security software icons, etc. Its random.

    What's up with it? Is it shy? ;)
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002

    Actually, I think this may just be a Windows Icon Cache issue, coupled with the fact that the MRU-Blaster .exe's icon resource isn't properly formatted for all purposes.

    It's certainly nothing that MRU-Blaster itself is doing - I suspect that when Windows can't properly display its icon in a few cases, it may just be picking something else.

    Best regards,

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