Looking for someone to fix and improve a UDF File System driver

Discussion in 'other software & services' started by Zero3K, May 23, 2023.

  1. Zero3K

    Zero3K Registered Member

    Mar 28, 2004
    Louisville, KY
    It would be nice if someone could fix the UDF File System driver that is used by ReactOS and then get it to be able to be used by ReactOS when installing it (in other words, be able to format the drive as UDF, copy its files to the drive, write its boot sector and then finish the setup). The issue with the driver after applying the patch that I will provide are that it is having assertions, etc. occur when doing file operations on it (such as running benchmark programs, installing programs to it. etc.). It should also be made to support the reading from and writing to of v2.50 of the specification.
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