Linus Torvalds isn't worried about Microsoft taking over Linux And you shouldn't be either October 7, 2019
Everything M$ touches decays and becomes corrupted. They've wanted to destroy Linux for years. I just don't trust them.
Microsoft has always had an ulterior motive for whatever business it gets its claws into. Beware the wolf in sheep's clothing. Worst of all, this wolf may have rabies.
I don't worry... if they do someone will fork it. I'm more worried about the influence both microsoft and red hat are having in the linux world. Taking control of GPL2 is difficult if not impossible but influencing it's direction is easy when you talk with $$$. Panagiotis
I guess Win10 will be the last Windows, just like Edge became last MS browser. Several years ago, there are many software which runs either only on Windows or only on Linux, but now many popular software runs on both platform w/ almost the same UI. But even when MS-Linux come, it will still be Windows as their main focus is cloud & ML. Agreed, how about Google (through backports from Android)?
Yes, particularly on security, tho once let Torvalds mad. I wanted to hear others' view on that, thx.
Microsoft doesnt care about Windows vs Linux anymore, it is all about cloud computing, services and its potential huge revenues.
Yup, as this article: Microsoft doesn't think Windows is important anymore illustrates. But I feel they're much more serious about ML than cloud computing these days.