I found this ruleset for shareaza and was wondering if it will work with KIS? [Shareaza] VisibleState: 1 Exe: Shareaza, Shareaza.exe DefaultState: 1 RuleName: Shareaza HTTP connections Protocol: TCP RemotePort: 80 Direction: Outbound AllowIt DefaultState: 1 RuleName: Shareaza Outbound TCP connections Protocol: TCP RemotePort: 1025-65535 Direction: Outbound AllowIt DefaultState: 1 RuleName: Shareaza UDP connections local Port Protocol: UDP LocalPort: 6346 AllowIt DefaultState: 1 RuleName: Shareaza UDP connections remote Port Protocol: UDP RemotePort: 6346 AllowIt DefaultState: 1 RuleName: Shareaza Inbound TCP connections Protocol: TCP LocalPort: 4662, 6346 Direction: Inbound AllowIt DefaultState: 1 RuleName: Block Shareaza UDP connections Protocol: UDP LocalPort: 1-1024 BlockIt DefaultState: 1 RuleName: Block Shareaza Inbound TCP connections Protocol: TCP LocalPort: 1-1024 Direction: Inbound BlockIt DefaultState: 1 RuleName: Block Shareaza Outbound TCP connections Protocol: TCP RemotePort: 1-1024 Direction: Outbound BlockIt Though KIS has inbound and outboud stream options not inbound and outboud for TCP and has all options for UDP though on some of these rules that are UDP don't specify inbound nor outbound direction. I don't really understand the stream part of it either. Any help? dja2k