Installing on a clean system

Discussion in 'FileChecker & ID-Blaster Forum' started by Kosingigglephits, Jan 25, 2005.

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  1. Kosingigglephits

    Kosingigglephits Registered Member

    Jan 24, 2005
    I will be building my new PC here shortly and my current plan of attack is to install everything, including updates off-line. In otherwords the PC will not even see the internet until I have everything fully installed and to my liking.

    So my question is, should I install Filechecker first, after I install the OS?

    What I am thinking is since it monitors files of applications and such would it be more beneficial to me to install it first on a clean system and then install all my other applications, thinking or assuming that it will monitor the install and then have a clean refrence to compare to when something tries to modify it?
  2. Sweetie(*)(*)

    Sweetie(*)(*) Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2004
    Hi, sounds like a good idea.

    I've written a short guide to reformatting HERE , its only just the basics, but a good start for those who are new to installing XP and securing before going online.

    I only mentioned the basic security apps, if you use more its a good idea to have them running aswell.
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