GRC Shields Up! all service ports hotspot shield vs cyber ghost vpn

Discussion in 'privacy problems' started by WascawwyWabbit, Jul 16, 2012.

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  1. WascawwyWabbit

    WascawwyWabbit Registered Member

    Mar 3, 2010
    * hotspot shield:
    * cyber ghost:

    seems like hotspot shield opens up (i have set my firewall to STEALTH) ports 80 (www http protocol),105 (mailbox name nameserver), 179 (border gateway protocol), 465 (url rendezvous directory for ssm), 989 (secure ftp protocol / data over ssl) and 990 (secure ftp protocol / data over ssl) and cyber ghost opens up ports 77 (private rje service) and 443 (secure http protocol) CLOSING other ports

    what pees me out is the port 77's "remote job entry" name wikipedia scares like "Remote job entry is the term used to describe the process of sending jobs to Mainframe computers from remote workstations, and by extension the process of receiving output from mainframe jobs at a remote workstation." so what's exactly "job" :D

    so hotspot sheild vs cyber ghost which one is more secure? oh cyberghost's openvpn wanted to access route.exe (notorious?! o_O)

    its physical location is C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ROUTE.EXE

    heres the details:

    and cyber ghost didnt have a reverse DNS unlike hotspot shield

    "Without your knowledge or explicit permission, the Windows networking technology which connects your computer to the Internet may be offering some or all of your computer's data to the entire world at this very moment!" :ninja:
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2012
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