Freaky & non-functional SB download!

Discussion in 'SpywareBlaster & Other Forum' started by Spoc, May 8, 2003.

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  1. Spoc

    Spoc Registered Member

    May 8, 2003
    :eek: o_O

    I tried to download Spywareblaster last night from the first link on the main page for it at Webattack (that being where my browser was directed after a search for a direct site). But it seems to have shattered on impact; split up to freaky places I've never had a download go to before (mostly temp internet & content IE5), which was not at all the path my download manager [Stardownloader] had given, and also under a different name and many separate files. Had to use 'Find' set to text search to round up the file locations).

    THEN! When I found the setup file and clicked on it -- or any other of its files -- my system either says "illegal operation," "possibly unsafe," or "denied, not allowed by system."!! I have nothing set to shatter downloads, unless by chance some people need to disable their antivirus before download or something? If so I would expect that to have been noted, as all my related apps are very common and standard (SpyBot, AVG free antivirus, BHODemon, Zone Alarm) and this forum says there are no conflicts with any related software types. Rest of my software is strictly routine, garden variety.

    I am scared! What happened? Should I delete it, and if so how can I be sure I found it all (nothing in "Add/Remove progs" either)? And, how do I know it won't happen again -- I do want this software! THANKS!!
  2. LowWaterMark

    LowWaterMark Administrator

    Aug 10, 2002
    New England
    Hi Spoc,

    Sorry you are having trouble...

    First up, the file being downloaded would not effect how your system does the download, because that file isn't executing in any way just by being downloaded. Also, there is nothing in the SpywareBlaster setup kit that should trigger your AV. It really sounds like your download manager just had a problem getting the file off that particular server.

    Now, if the download was bad, which seems very likely, (i.e. a problem assembling all the pieces of the file), than the setup file was simply corrupt. A bad setup.exe would certain cause the types of errors you stated when you try to run it. But, it also would not have installed anything, as it really didn't run because of all the errors. So, there would be nothing in Add/Remove Programs.

    Other than cleaning out your temp areas (that you noted) and just deleting the bad parts and pieces of the download, there shouldn't be anything else to cleanup. I'd advise you to simply do a fresh download - perhaps without your download manager - it's not a very big exe file (647KB). Then install it.

    By the way, I use AVG and ZoneAlarm (Plus) and have no errors or alerts regarding this file, either while downloading or when executing. I also just checked the copy of the SpywareBlaster install kit at the link you mentioned, and it is still what it is supposed to be.

    Best Wishes,
  3. Spoc

    Spoc Registered Member

    May 8, 2003
    Thanks a lot, LowWaterMark! Good to hear. Will try again with confidence.
  4. spy1

    spy1 Registered Member

    Dec 29, 2002
    Clover, SC
  5. Spoc

    Spoc Registered Member

    May 8, 2003
    Absolutely, will do! I guess I don't spend enough time determining if I've located the most direct link possible when I do these things; too quick to assume "Ok fine, this must be the recommended mirror" or whatever. I should have just expended the minimal effort needed to get up close and personal to SB! Since such a "blanket download policy" can't hurt and often may help, I will implement it effective immediately! :D
  6. Amerk_5

    Amerk_5 Guest

    And if that doesn't work, try to DL it without a Download Manager.
  7. Spoc

    Spoc Registered Member

    May 8, 2003
    Thanks everyone! So true that with every mistake or mishap, what you can learn from it at least partially redeems the episode. I had thought that beyond just speed benefits, download managers would be more efficient in *all* ways and *always* better across the board at what they do!
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