Ewido reported one reg key as sypware.minbug

Discussion in 'ewido anti-spyware forum' started by Carol30, Dec 21, 2005.

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  1. Carol30

    Carol30 Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2005
    Yesterday's scan reported one and only one result. After researching it, it looked like it could be related to Spyaxe or Weatherbug. But.. nothing else was found with the exception of the attached image/below referenced reg key.

    Not one other scan reported this. I have yet to see an infection of the above aforementioned, without many additional findings.

    Any thoughts? Can/should this be removed from quarantine removed?

    Thanks in advance..

    (If for any reason I "messed up" with the intended uploaded screenshot.. the reg key was:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Classes\CLSID\{2B96D5CC-C5B5-49A5-A69D-CC0A30F9028C} -> Spyware.MiniBug )

    Attached Files:

  2. JonPaulOnLine

    JonPaulOnLine Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2005
    Philadelphia PA USA
    Re: ewido reported one reg key as sypware.MiniBug

    On day #1
    My first ewido scan ,(after purchasing)also found
    almost immediately
    edited by placing(after purchasing)
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2005
  3. Carol30

    Carol30 Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2005

    When you say "first Ewido scan", do you mean it is the first time you've ever scanned with Ewido.. OR.. it's the first time this came up? I've had Ewido quite some time now.. and it's the first time I've ever "gotten" anything.. short of a false positive with an occasional cookie or two here and there.

    I found it odd that it came up seconds after I started the scan.. as you say.. 'almost immediately'. A², Ad-Aware, Spybot, MSAS, and Shredder have all come up clean. (I've also got SpywareBlaster and SG protecting me. And the list goes on :rolleyes: )

    The only other time Ewido picked something up, I sent them the file and they replied saying it was a false positive. They are excellent when it comes to responding/customer support. Perhaps I will write them about this. I'll post back here and let you know what I've found.

    It's always comforting to know "I'm not the only one".. albeit.. only the two of us.. (that I know of) Hmmmm ...
  4. Don Pelotas

    Don Pelotas Registered Member

    Jun 29, 2004
    I have also seen MiniBug, the reason it finds it so fast is because it scans the registry first (where MiniBug was found) and that take's only 3-5 secs to scan.:)
  5. JonPaulOnLine

    JonPaulOnLine Registered Member

    Aug 10, 2005
    Philadelphia PA USA
    It was the very first scan I ran after purchasing
    ewido on 25December.
  6. TopperID

    TopperID Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2004
    Ewido has only just started to pick up minibug, and it will only find some of the Reg entries, it doesn't seem to pick up the installer (if you have Weatherbug uninstalled) nor does it find all the related Reg entries.

    Ewido describes minibug/WeatherBug as a 'High' threat - but it is not really a threat at all! CounterSpy finds it in much more detail but recommends that you ignore the finding. If you have not installed WeatherBug it is of no consequence and you can ignore it. If you do have it installed you may wish to remove it if you find it a nuisance (some people actually like it!).

    Many people have WeatherBug on their system because it is packaged with RealPlayer, AOL and several other things. It will display adverts if you use it (thus is Adware) but does not collect and submit personal data (therefore it is not Spyware). WeatherBug/Minibug is considered a borderline case, which is why many scanners do not detect it. Personally I've got rid of mine just to keep ewido happy, but it really is a very low grade problem.
  7. Carol30

    Carol30 Registered Member

    Dec 20, 2005
    Thank you Topper!

    Thanks for all the information. It's a rare day, when I can't think of "yet another" question. That day has come.

    While I don't have Weatherbug intentionally installed on my system, it may have come packaged with something else. I have also decided to keep 'Ewido happy'.

    Thanks again..

    (And thanks to you Don. Your post has been appreciated!)
  8. ErikAlbert

    ErikAlbert Registered Member

    Jun 16, 2005
    To me it's not a borderline case, because I have a black/white vision on adware/spyware, no matter the risk level.
    On the other hand, I'm convinced that the next generations of users will allow low risk adware on their computer and that's what the adware makers really want to make personalized advertising possible on computers.
    Anti-Spywares still report them, but that won't last forever.

    In Belgium there was no advertising on TV for a long time, than they started giving commercials between different TV-programs, than one commercial interrupting the same TV-program and now we get TWO 7 minuts commercials interrupting the same TV-program.
    Something like that will happen on our computers too and users will accept it just like on TV.
    It only takes time to change the attitude of users towards adware gradually.
    After all, there isn't much difference between TV and a PC Monitor.
    IMO the actual differences between TV and PC will fade away in the future and become ONE integrated hardware/software unit. It's already happening, just not good enough yet.
  9. TopperID

    TopperID Registered Member

    Oct 1, 2004
    We have advertising now - everytime I go to Yahoo to do my email I'm invited to apply for this or that credit card! And do you know how much my Yahoo account costs me? Absolutely zilch!

    I'll happily put up with a little harmless advertising in exchange for a good free service.

    WeatherBug/Minibug is not considered Spyware because:-

    a) It does not install itself - you have to voluntarily instal it yourself;

    b) It comes with a functioning uninstaller - so you can remove it anytime you want;

    c) It does not collect and transmit personal data.

    However it is adware because it foists adverts at you and it does come onto your machine by unsolicited means (bundled up with other progs), it also has a slightly 'murky' past because it has sometimes been bundled with undesirable products. For these reasons it is a borderline case, see here:-


    By the way, WeatherBug is not to be confused with Weather.exe which is an altogether more insideous proposition.
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