Evilnum hackers use the same malware supplier as FIN6, Cobalt July 9, 2020 https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/ne...use-the-same-malware-supplier-as-fin6-cobalt/ ESET: More evil: A deep look at Evilnum and its toolset
New Python-scripted trojan malware targets fintech companies PyVil RAT is capable of keylogging, taking screenshots and more September 3, 2020 https://www.zdnet.com/article/new-python-scripted-trojan-malware-targets-finance-sector/ Cybereason: No Rest for the Wicked: Evilnum Unleashes PyVil RAT
Hackers Use Evilnum Malware to Target Cryptocurrency and Commodities Platforms July 21, 2022 Proofpoint: Buy, Sell, Steal, EvilNum Targets Cryptocurrency, Forex, Commodities