EULA Research Center

Discussion in 'EULAlyzer Forum' started by xerox2k2, Nov 22, 2012.

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  1. xerox2k2

    xerox2k2 Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2012
    I've been submitting EULAs to this mysterious EULA Research Center for several years (over 500 EULAs) and not once have they published or made public any of their findings or research.

    for all we know they could be compiling a list of all the best more sinister clauses of EULAs and selling that info to various law firms that write EULAs.

    the program completely overlooks binding arbitration (anti-class action) clauses that various companies have sneaking in to EULAs lately
  2. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002

    The goal of the EULA Research Center is to compile a good selection of EULAs so that we can run analyses across all of them, to improve what/how we detect interesting words & phrases in EULAlyzer itself.

    We've already been able to improve EULAlyzer's detection of new/existing categories of interesting words & phrases, but it's a never-ending quest. You made an excellent suggestion of an additional category we should cover, and it's on our to-do list for a future release. :)

    We don't currently publicize/blog about all of the little details of all of this, but that's also definitely a good idea.

    Best regards.
  3. xerox2k2

    xerox2k2 Registered Member

    Nov 22, 2012
    perhaps you could release some stats like:
    • how many eulas you have stored
    • what's the 5 shortest eulas
    • what's the 5 longest eulas
    • what are the top 25 most common clauses (and maybe get some volunteer law students to translate them into english)
    • allow users to search your eula archive database by company then product then date ( to show what changed since the previous edition of the eula) {surely you can parse out company and product data or crowd source users to fill it in before submitting to the research center then do a DIFF to compare editions}

    an eula archive could generate alot of traffic (and thus ad revenue) from watchdog organizations,IT/game news sites and various blogs.the EFF might chip in some funding for such a beneficial service to the community.
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