EULA causes Eulalyzer to crash

Discussion in 'EULAlyzer Forum' started by dsnillo, Oct 29, 2014.

  1. dsnillo

    dsnillo Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2014
    Nero 2014 forces the customer to accept EULA's several times during installation. These caused no problem for EULAlyzer. However, when running the program for the first time, the customer must accept another EULA, which can't be captured by EULAlyzer, it must be copied and pasted into the EULAlyzer window. When the Analyze button is clicked, most of the EULAlyzer window is covered by diagonal hatching, and a message from Windows 8.1 announces that Eulalyzer has stopped working. I have scanned the EULA briefly, and it seems to be very similar to the previous EULA's encountered during installation.
    I tried pasting the text into a text editor (NoteTab Standard 7) which might flag any binary characters, but it indicated nothing out of the ordinary. Running EULAlyzer to capture this text in the text editor produced he same error.
    What is in this EULA which could cause this?
  2. dsnillo

    dsnillo Registered Member

    Oct 29, 2014
    I have discovered that EULAlyzer also fails on other text, so the problem is with Eulalyzer, and not with this particular EULA. During installation, Nero installs some Microsoft code including MS Visual C++ 2012 Ver. Another program needed to install an older version of MS Visual C++ 11 recently, and I wonder if there is a version conflict here.
  3. javacool

    javacool BrightFort Moderator

    Feb 10, 2002
    Could you please send an email to the following address:
    bugreports AT brightfort DOT com

    In it, could you please include (1) a reference to this thread, (2) a link to any downloads you've found (publicly available of course) that exhibit the problem, (3) a copy of any problematic license agreement text, if possible (saved as an attachment).

    We'll track this down and fix it. Thanks!
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