Hi there. I want some information about uninstalling ESET products. I know Norton has a removal tool to clean any leftovers of the program, I know Kaspersky has a removal tool too and other security software companies. Now, what about ESET products?? Does this exist?? Or the cleaning up has to be manual If it exists, where can I find it?? Thanks, geko.
Hi! Eset hasn't got uninstaller for ESS/NOD now. I think that problems with uninstallation haven't got big expansion. ESS/NOD has got only few services and running processes so there is smaller chance to crash.
The Dutch ESET distributor has in fact a NOD removal tool, but I'm not sure if this can be used for all (language) versions: http://www.nod32.nl/download/tool/nod32removal.exe
Why do the dutch have a removal tool and not everyone else?? Anyone know if this removal tool works for everyone How come there is no sticky theme with manual instructions to remove ESET products?? From what I've experienced every security software has eventually problems removing itself and don't make me talk about leftovers. I'll just put an example, Norton... P.S.: By the way, just to see the importance of this kind of tool, just look at the views for this theme. If I were ESET I would start thinking in creating it right away. Thanks, geko.
The official removal tool for cases when uninstallation fails is provided by Microsoft. MSI is not a format developed by ESET so you need to use tools provided by Microsoft or another vendor whose product serves for that purpose. We're really not going to invent the wheel again.
Dang thats a weak excuse for not building one. Most companies use MSI including Norton and yet they provided a removal tool. Btw.. why DOES NOD32 require a removal tool I though their removal was perfect
Thanks Dieselman. I already use "Your Uninstaller!". I just wanted some information. Nothing is perfect.