ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Server v4.3 has been released

Discussion in 'Other ESET Business Products' started by foneil, Jan 9, 2012.

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  1. foneil

    foneil Eset Staff Account

    Dec 7, 2010
    San Diego
    ESET Mail Security for Microsoft Exchange Server (EMSX) has been updated to v4.3.10023 and is now available to download. EMSX integrates server-side antispam features and protects both the Exchange mailboxes and the host server environment from malware attacks.

    Added: Support for Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 SP2 (64-bit version)
    Added: New Mailshell Antispam engine, version 6.4.1
    Added: Actualization group for AMON
    Added: Automatic exclusions for ISS, ESET Remote Administrator Server, Microsoft Hyper-V and Microsoft SharePoint Server
    Changed: Extended exclusions for Microsoft Exchange
    Changed: Ability to overwrite older license file with the new one with the same license ID
    Changed: Added scanning order – Rules, Antispam and Antivirus
    Changed: Updated graphic design
    Fix: Problems with uninstallation
    Fix: Problems with logical operator "NOT" in rules
    Fix: Problems blocking certain files during reinstall
    Fix: Problems in resident protection driver causing blue screen error (BSOD) on certain 64-bit systems
    Fix: Problems with multiple entries in log file, regarding automatic exclusions
    Fix: Problems with settings export on SBS 2011
    Fix: Wrong display of tooltips in updater

    Visit the following link for the detailed changelogs for version 4.3 and all earlier versions: Changelog for Exchange Server.

    Licensed users may download the updated version from the ESET Download center or for more information, please contact your local reseller, distributor or ESET office.
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